[Archive!] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 6: August 2011) - page 15


I made a lot of money on the chif today...

And if someone, as I advised this morning, had just opened both ways with a 30pp buffer, he'd have been happy too ;-)


Has the voting started? It's quiet! - Not good (it will probably go back to where it came from) (the market has become a Big Sport!)


Has the voting started? It's quiet! - not good (it will probably go back to where it fell from)

Pending with a short trawl of 15pp -- both ways!!!

Has the voting started? It's quiet! - Not good (it will probably go back to where it came from) (the market has become a Big Sport!)

They said no earlier than 10pm and that we can go back to the original position and above I said that above...

The pendants with a short trawl of 15pts -- both ways!!!

By the way, 29 were pending with a 50pp spread. - Lock, now the buy is left hanging, all sells in + with stops at 10pp. closed - waiting to go back up. (was an omen).

By the way, 29 were pendants with a 50 pt. - I'm waiting for a move back up. It's strange, if everything was done correctly - there should have been no locate, all closed at 10 pips.

Strange, if everything was done correctly -- there shouldn't have been a lock, everything is closed within 10 minutes...

Z.I. You don't even have to put a TP.

They said no earlier than 10 p.m., and that we could go back to the original position and I mentioned that above...

What can they vote after their session? Somewhere there is a link to an online TV channel, in

Strange, if everything was done correctly -- there shouldn't be a loca, everything closes within 10 minutes...

Z.I. You don't even have to put in a TA.

First, the sell triggered, the eu went 4350, and then went 100pp. up triggered the buy - where, when to close? (I closed the sell - the trend is up)
First the sell triggered, the eu went 4350 and then went 100pp. up triggered a buy - where, when to close? (i closed the sell - the trend is up)

Trailing stop of 15pp automatically closes both ways...

I didn't come up with this strategy, it has a specific name I can't remember something called "trading in ... days".


Can they vote after their session? Somewhere there is a link to an online TV channel, in
They can vote at any time of the day or on weekends too