[Archive!] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 6: August 2011) - page 110


Where is everybody? Why are you looking at MT4? :))


soon the eu/bs will go at least 500p.



soon the eu/bucks will be at least 500p.

Where to? Where do you think? Personally, I put Sell back in the afternoon.


soon the eu/bucks will be at least 500p.

up or down?

where up or down?
into the vacuum
The Swiss franc is a different story. One of the safest European currencies rose against the euro by almost a quarter in one year and against the dollar by as much as 35 per cent. At the start of August, the franc hit new all-time highs against both currencies. After this the local authorities decided that they had had enough and started looking for a way to ease the pressure on the franc. Traditional measures were devised: The Swiss central bank entered the market with interventions and base rates in the local economy were cut almost to zero. As with the yen, this is likely to have only a temporary effect: Switzerland's strong financial institutions and tax legislation, which attracts hundreds of foreign companies to the country, make it impossible to doubt the safety of franc investments.
2011.08.09 20:18:53 *FED left the Fed funds rate range unchanged between 0.0% and 0.25%
2011.08.09 20:21:23 *FED: Interest rates will remain exceptionally low at least until mid-2013
How interesting everything is today.
frank is mad)))

Is Benya going to perform or did I miss it?


Is Benya going to perform or did I miss it?

Performed and already missed it! :))