Interesting and humorous - page 246

Yeah... Komarov... has gone down the wrong road...

So I did not earn 63% per month ...

Let's do the math: I invested $600 at the beginning of April and now (a month later) I have 888 pennies. Earned or not? How much interest?


... and I haven't withdrawn it.

I did not withdraw. Significant amounts. What for? By the 18th of May I'll be withdrawing "extra". Or I'll hold on to it.


...Why would I take out such insane interest rates, even if they were short-term, even if they were microcredits, when there are more affordable credit facilities on a bank card at a reasonable rate? Who needs it?

At least two categories of borrowers need it:

1. Individuals with poor credit history or no official income - the bank will not let them have it, that's all.
2. Bystrodengi and the like. These guys are really something else - they take money from us at 1...1.5 % and lend to people at 2 % a day.


... plus elements of network marketing immediately on the surface...

where? on what kind of surface? did i give links? or did i call someone somewhere?

Yeah... Komarov... has stepped on the wrong side of the road...
and you, Fedoseyev, are on the straight and narrow...

Andryukha, let me set the record straight: I have no complaints, especially against you personally, I just saw something interesting and am trying to analyse what it is. And so:


Well, let's do the math: In early April I put $ 600, now (a month later), I have them 888 and kopecks. Did I make money or not? How much interest?

Now that is specific.

I haven't withdrawn. Significant amounts. What for? By May 18 there will be a grand and a surplus, and then I'll withdraw the "surplus". Or I'll hold on to it.

I was interested in the fact itself.

At least two categories of borrowers need it:

1. Individuals with a tainted credit history or no official income - well, the bank will not give them a loan, that's it.

2. Bystrodengi and the like. These guys are great - they take money from us at 1...1.5% and lend it out to people at 2% per day.

Got it.

Where? On what surface? Did I give you a link? Or did I call someone?

Why are you so upset? ) Did I accuse/encourage/claim you personally of something? ) Where? When? )


SZZY: As soon as you go to a site - the first thing that catches your eye is offers of payments for attraction, it, Andrew and is MLM, the second thing that catches your eye is an active solicitation of new members, ie the system needs new injections of money, all together is the sign of a pyramid. If you cast your mind around the room, you come to the conclusion that if the place is fishy, the fuck I would call someone there, fish is not infinite, is not it? I would grow my dough by 63%/month. and fuck the competition for me there, and people there calling for new and actively calling.

So, there is no doubt that it is just another pyramid scheme; how long it will last, a month, a year, five years, it is an open question and it all depends on mathematics.



I was interested in the fact itself.


Well, I must have confused your question with someone else's. I withdrew $88 and then I threw 50 back. Took the "foam" off to even up the account and see how fast the withdrawal was and if there were any nuances.


... As soon as you go to the website...

Are you sure it's the right one? ;) I didn't give you a link! Or did you use a screenshot to find it? =)

... If the place is fishy, the fuck i would call anyone there, fish is not endless, is not it? i would raise my money at 63%/month. and i don't need any competitors there, and people there are calling new ones and actively calling.

That's the graal builder talking about you now. And it's secretly a grailer. )))

Of course, the affiliate is there, it's a fact. But it is not the main thing - and this is also a fact.
The fact that many participants want to earn ANYTHING without investing anything, and such an opportunity is given to them exactly on the affiliate program.
Affiliate compensation in the project is ridiculous, especially if you compare it to the profits from lending.
Think about it: 50% of the deductions invited.
And this is as follows:
say the invitee invested $ 100 for 30 days at 1.5%.

MONTHLY I'll get $9 out of it. Personally, I don't think it's worth the effort.

As for the fish... THIS fish is practically EVERYTHING - the more popular the service, the better. Moreover - we should do the same in rubles and with a minimum entrance fee - that's where the fish is...


Are you sure about that one? ;) I didn't give you a link! Or did you use a screenshot to find it? =)

That one, that one, don't even doubt it. I'm not banned from google.

That's the grail builder in you right now. And it's secretly a graale... )))

No, Andrew, it's elementary logic. If I can take these +63%, then there is no reason in the whole world to give them to anyone else. Not at all.
It has nothing to do with the grail. Although there is one reason - if it is a pyramid scheme, then, as Papanov's character used to say, "we must tear claws", "strike iron without leaving the box office" ))))

Of course, the affiliate is there, it's a fact. But it is not put there in the first place - and that is also a fact.

It's not affiliate marketing, it's peer-to-peer marketing and they do emphasize it, so it is the most important part of the marketing. Like, if you want it for real... )))

The fact that many participants want to earn ANYTHING without investing anything and the opportunity is given to them is the affiliate program.
Affiliate compensation in the project is ridiculous, especially if you compare it to the profits from lending.

Judge for yourself: 50% of the deductions invited.

50-80% of the profits made by the affiliate network, for a second.

And this amounts to:
say the invitee invested $100 for 30 days at 1.5%.

MONTHLY I'll get $9 out of it - personally, I don't think it's worth the haircut.

From $100 will be $45 income, 40% into the fund - that leaves $27, 50% of that amount $13.5

One person is not a network, but a hundred is $1350. )

That hundred will want to invest more than $100 next time. A sheepskin? ) Or a highlight? )

Where will the dough come from - that's the question? It won't come out of thin air. Or from a fund, or from...

That's right, from new network members, no other way.)

And as for the fish... THIS fish is practically BEAUTIFUL - the more popular the service is, the better. What's more - we should make one in rubles and with a minimum entry fee - that's where the fish is...

An endless number of idiots eager to take out a loan at 50-100%/month?! That's not even in a year, in a month! Do you really believe that?

In the infinite greed of human nature, yes - I do ) No, I don't believe in endless idiots.) Idiots always come to an end.) But not at once )

In summary: a pyramid scheme, a mature pyramid scheme ))) but this does not mean that it will blow up in a cinder block tomorrow.

The slower it proliferates, the longer it will live and go down the beard later.

SZS: I need to send old friends networkers referral link, let them have fun )


Andrew, I'd write more about all sorts of nonsense, but my fingers hurt and I'm too lazy). You can see them yourself, all these absurdities for sure )

They haven't made the right conclusions since the first MMM, let the West break up this pyramid, really. Let them have a break.



No, Andrew, it's elementary logic. If that +63% can be taken by me, there's no reason in the world to give it to anyone else. Not at all.

You're a scary man!!! =) However, the organizers in my opinion are smarter - they decided that it's better to take not everything but all the time, than everything but once.

It's not affiliate marketing, it's peer-to-peer marketing,

It looks like you googled it wrong ... :) we have a two-tier. :Р

One person is not a network of course, but with a hundred is $ 1350, hmm. )

That hundred will want to invest more than $100 next time. A sheepskin? ) Or a highlight? )

Dream on... You'd better find them first. Especially if every other one wants money for free.

Where does the money come from, that's the question? It's not gonna come out of thin air. Or from a fund, or...

That's right, from new network members, no other way.)

Otherwise. You forgot about the idiots taking (ah, sorry, GIVING) loans with interest.

I should send my old network friends a referral link and let them have their fun.)

So, have you signed up yet? Or should I give you mine? ;)


You're a scary man, Andryukha! )))

You were insulted here, saying no one and nowhere invited anyone, and then told me about a sheepskin coat of fur, and less than a day later, as you already offer links referral brazenly! )))


You're a scary man, Andryukha! )))

You've been insulted here, saying that no one and nowhere has not called, and then told me about a sheepskin coat of fur, and then less than a day, and already offer links referral brazenly! )))

Why would your networkers have fun for nothing?
You'll probably get a kopeck or I'll share it with you - you'll spend it on a tail... )))