Interesting and humorous - page 71


What do you want from a Negro whose mother tongue was French?

If he had seen Bezrukov as himself, he probably would not have rhymed and inflected so well.

It is hilarious to watch an Uzbek (or Kazakh, I do not remember exactly where you are from) republic resident teaching Russian classics to read and write)))))))). How far have you gone from the Negroes, dear man?

If you don't like it, read the Tashkent classics, they probably know more about Russian.

Zhunko: It's a well-known fact. You can check it yourself. At least he didn't shy away from verbal rhyme.

Not squeamish is one thing, but 80% of such rhymes in brilliant poems... I don't believe it!

When I was writing poems (there was a period in my life), I used verb rhyme at most 10%-15%...

For example:

"Here's another sensation;

Am I not a paparazzi?"


Not squeamish is one thing, but 80% of such rhymes in genius poems... I don't believe it!

When I was writing poems (there was a period in my life), I used verb rhyme at most 10%-15%...

For example:

"Here's another sensation;

Wasn't I a paparazzi?

I used to write a bit of poetry too. I tried to write parodies. What's interesting, I failed to write on Pushkin! He's got nothing to pick on.

But I wrote on Nerasov, Mayakovsky and Blok. Even at the final exam in literature instead of the poem by Blok I read a parody of him. For that I got a 2 :-)).

But the average was a 4. One point for passing the exam without preparation added.


On copper snot.

I work in a service centre. I have a redheaded friend who is good at computers too, but sometimes she can do some funny things. Her latest brainchild broke all the records of coolness, and in the service center it is now legendary.
She had to bring a floppy disk to someone. The case of the system is old, but all the stuffing is new: the power supply has no wire to power the floppy drive, which was in the system.
This red head thought and built the following construction: she had screwed four small nails into free molex, then, having gutted some useless cable, pulled out copper and coiled it on these same nails, and fastened the free ends to the contacts of flopik power. The construction worked!
After the job was done, she brought the system to us at the centre and asked: "Replace the wiring, I'm kind of scared." I told her to wait five minutes and opened the system. I took a look and realized that I felt a little uncomfortable...
The computer was returned a day later. All that time we photographed this construction, then tested it for efficiency, then decided to save it - we wrapped all neatly with duct tape and took it out. Now there's a new exhibit in our museum next to the frozen propeller and the leg-pierced system.
Take care of the women!
drknn: This redhead thought and constructed the following construction: she screwed four small nails into a loose molex, then, having gutted some unwanted cable, pulled out the copper and wound it onto these same nails, and fastened the loose ends to the power contacts of the floppy. The design worked!

Yes, the gingers are very original. Probably because gingers have to fight off their peers.

Do you have a picture of this design, by any chance?
- from here it is

How to protect your code

Our office once thought of methods of code obfuscation when saving it as open source.

Out of all suggested solutions the following method was considered perfect: names of all variables and functions are replaced with underscores. And to avoid confusion, each variable is assigned its own number of underscores.

That is, $attempt_no = $___, $email = $____, $login = $_____, $pass = $______, crypt() = ____() and so on.

Can you imagine the code?

if ($____) $_____ = ____($_____);
$_______++; $____ = '';
return $_____;

Sit down and read if you feel like it.

- from here it is

Thanks for the link. I read it like a detective. So much good stuff is hard to find in one place.

Oh, Maroussa's life in the town of Tarusa is boring.

If anyone watches the NTV series, take a look at the official page at.......


How to protect your code

Our office once thought of methods of code obfuscation when saving it as open source.

Out of all suggested solutions the following method was considered perfect: names of all variables and functions are replaced with underscores. And to avoid confusion, each variable is assigned its own number of underscores.

That is, $attempt_no = $___, $email = $____, $login = $_____, $pass = $______, crypt() = ____() and so on.

Can you imagine the code?

if ($____) $_____ = ____($_____);
$_______++; $____ = '';
return $_____;

Sit down and read if you feel like it.

Eh, automatically replacing all occurrences of a variable in the code with the same notepad++ pretty quickly kills the beauty of such listings. :(