Interesting and humorous - page 68

The idea that our world is actually a computer simulation is relatively new. Ideas about the possibility of a complete simulation of reality only gained traction a little over twenty years ago.

The central idea of the simulation argument, first expressed by Nick Bostrom [1], is that "unless we believe that we are now living in a computer simulation, we have no reason to believe that our descendants will run many historical simulations".

Particular attention should be paid to the calculation of the number of personalities with human experience (). It is possible that despite the seemingly large number of simulated individuals, the actual number of unique simulated personalities is much smaller. It is also possible that a significant proportion of simulated personalities are fundamentally different from us in their lack of self-awareness.







The idea that our world is actually a computer simulation is relatively new. Ideas about the possibility of a complete simulation of reality only gained traction a little over twenty years ago.

The central idea of the simulation argument, first expressed by Nick Bostrom [1], is that "unless we believe that we are now living in a computer simulation, we have no reason to believe that our descendants will run multiple historical simulations".

Particular attention should be paid to the calculation of the number of personalities with human experience (). It is possible that despite the seemingly large number of simulated individuals, the actual number of unique simulated personalities is much smaller. It is also possible that a large proportion of the simulated personalities differ fundamentally from us in their lack of self-awareness.

I would like to point out that this idea was expressed much earlier. The philosopher Kant (1724-1804) said that in order to justify knowledge we should not think that our cognitive abilities are suited to the world, but the world must be suited to our abilities, for cognition to happen at all. In other words our consciousness does not simply comprehend the world as it really is (dogmatism), but on the contrary, the world corresponds to the possibilities of our cognition, namely: reason is an active participant of formation of the world itself, given to us in experience. The book is called Critique of Pure Reason.

Followers of Kanat can be seen in great numbers in trading, where people believe that price should move as they think it should.


That's a bit off. Well I don't know old Immanuel. The main point is that it's all simulated reality, it can change in n-thousands of time, analogous to patches, and you won't even notice it. And most people simulation software )))) It's actually very handy. You can do all sorts of experiments. Drop a bomb there, make a sickness there, set up a revolution there and watch how it would end up in reality ....

It is even possible that our "creators" themselves live in the "virtual machine" of their creators. We too can become creators, we have been given that opportunity.
It is even possible that our "creators" themselves live in the "virtual machine" of their creators. We too can become creators, we have been given that opportunity.
The article says it all, most likely there is either a complete ban on nested realities, or a certain amount of them. Because the workstation running it all may simply not have enough computing power.