TA or something you don't know about. - page 73

One minute you're going to Greece, the next you're not... it's always unclear.

What's not clear? I'm not going. What for? Citizenship is bought. You didn't know?

Just a Euro visa - even with punks on the Champs-Elysées.

))) That's a thought. I'll go and book a ticket...


What is unclear? I'm not going. What for? Citizenship is bought. You didn't know?

Just a Euro visa - even with punks on the Champs-Elysées.

))) That's a thought. I'll go and book a ticket...

Are you selling real estate to buy your citizenship?

By the way Latvia is easier and cheaper. Either in any city for 100 000 euros or in the countryside for 50 000. And you are closer to Moscow.


))) That's a thought. I'm gonna go book a ticket...

Yeah . Go. I see your point.

"What's this halfway house?"
He shouted in the morning.
And from the platform they say:
"This is the city of Leningrad."

He slept again for a while
And looked out the window again,
He saw the big train station,
He scratched his head and said:

"What kind of a stop is this -
Bologoye or Popovka?"
And from the platform they say:
"This is the city of Leningrad."

He slept again for a while
And looked out the window again,
He saw the big train station,
He reached out and said:

"What station is this -
"Dibuny or Yamskaya?"
And from the platform they said:
"It's the city of Leningrad."

He shouted, "What a joke!
This is the second day I've been riding,
And I came back,
And I've come to Leningrad!"


Are you selling real estate to buy citizenship?

By the way Latvia is easier and cheaper. Either in the city for 100,000 euros or in the countryside for 50,000. And you are closer to Moscow.

I earn enough not to sell my homeland. Although, on occasion, why not!

Misha, I am closer to Lithuania - I am from there.

My name is the last turn,
You know me by sight
By the taste of vodka from the damp earth
And bread with tears.

My house is all horseradish and wormwood,
The hole in my head is a new one;
A knife in my heart where it's good,
I'm at home where it sucks.

I don't give a fuck about your golden city,
Why the fuck would I want to sing a nice song?
There's a fire in my soul for seven hundred years,
I'd like to forget it all.

And if tomorrow I go to pure paradise
I'll be taken under my white hands.
Apostle Peter, Father Nicholas,
Take me from here.

And in the clear sky two wings
"They're making a good arc...
I myself am lame, and all my deeds -
Pour me another drink, and I'll be fine.

No need for comments! Cheers, mate...


Dear Peter, unfortunately I cannot continue the dialogue as I am now in a complete logical deadlock.

By the way, what is Homeland?


Dear Peter, unfortunately I cannot continue the dialogue as I am now in a complete logical deadlock.

By the way, what is Homeland?

That's a good question. What? No, I'm waiting! Answer it!
Good question. What? No, I'm waiting! Answer it!

I don't know, so I thought I'd ask you.
Tolstoy's patriotism is closest to me - there is no patriotism.(I am aware that few people here have read Lev Nikolayich, try it - you'll like it). The very idea of patriotism is rotten. Why in the world would we put ourselves above others? It's unpleasant from the start.
Tolstoy's patriotism is closest to me - there is no patriotism.(I am aware that few people here have read Lev Nikolayich, try it - you will like it). The very idea of patriotism is rotten. Why in the world would we put ourselves above others? It's unpleasant from the start.

It has to do with human genetics . A man is ready to defend himself against an attack from a neighbour from another cave who did not catch the game today. Man evolves, but the "friend-or-foe" system evolves with him.

Now if you meet a "non-native" the system informs you of the potential danger. There are several categories of "locality", "from our house", "from our building", our street, from our district, our city, our country.

Patriotism is a collective defence against this or that category of "strangers". A society can also be judged by local conflicts. The closer they are to the categories, the neighborhood, street and building, the more painful the society is.

The individual subconsciously does not believe in protection in the size of the country and begins to unconsciously narrow it down until they feel comfortable.