Market phenomena - page 48


Now, to elaborate: to what phenomena? The law of supply and demand? How do you conceive of it? How does formula 18 confirm this law? I, for example, see that the price does not correspond to your 18 even visually. What kind of reasonable application can we talk about then?
My point is this: (18) describes any series that has at least some regularity between its components and reveals this regularity. Therefore, it should also describe the BP of the market when the slightest regularity appears in it.

To Mathemat.

You have been banned. The only thing I don't understand is that I alone have to be politically correct, and this ... doesn't have to be? And it's easy for others to use the terms "jerk off" etc. to offend old friends. It's a shame about the privacy :(

to C4: You need to get smarter.

To Hide...

I've been watching you for a long time and you've been here for a long time and during this time you, like svinozavr, said nothing. You know, nothing. And is it hard to understand that we are talking about dividing a quote stream into sub-processes and studying the impact of fat tails. This area is poorly understood, very poorly. And why are you picking on neutrona? He prepared the material at the request of a colleague. Why are you getting involved?

Hide, I'm sorry I don't use your nickname, I'm writing on a tablet which is not very handy and I'm getting upset by the words she uses (she's an intellectual like svinozavr). Anyway, I don't like to show off, but my experience (meaningful) as a trader is over 20 years (yes, long time living). You won't believe it, I haven't lost anything to the market.

And how would you like to explain in the aftermath, I havenever posted, do not post and will continue to post working phenomena and systems. But at the same time I have long understood that communication on such topics with my colleagues is not harmful.

To svinozavr , you were a windbag and you are still a windbag trader .

PS: Ok colleagues, good luck with the trends. All read svinozavra.



To svinozavr you were a blabbermouth and you still are, you bloody trader.

I am a trader...

PS: Ok colleagues, good luck with the trends. All read svinozavr.

I haven't written anything since some time ago. I lacked correctors in my life - so I came here. Now! Live as you know. And I'll do my own thing...
C-4: These comments in no thread can be adequate because they are boorish themselves regardless of the delivery address.
I was talking about HideYourRichess' comments. They're not boorish, they're just meaningless rubbish that has no place in this thread.
I haven't written anything since a while ago.
That's no excuse for you! (с)
That's no excuse for you! (с)
I'm not making excuses. That's all I need...
That's no excuse for you! (с)
Already in the Annals!

And is it difficult to understand that it is about dividing the quote stream into sub-processes and investigating the impact of fat tails. This is an area that is poorly understood, very poorly.

Systemic error of the first kind: Solving the wrong problem with the right methods.

Very common among people unable to distinguish between molecules in Brownian motion and people in the marketplace.


And is it difficult to understand that it is about dividing the quote stream into sub-processes and investigating the impact of fat tails. This is an area that is poorly understood, very poorly.

Systemic error of the first kind: Solving the wrong problem with the right methods.

Very common among people unable to distinguish between molecules in Brownian motion and people in the marketplace.

Are you completely stupid?

Who had the nerve to ban the professor?

He was a very clever man.

And most importantly, how responsive and sensitive ....