FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 5: July 2011) - page 141


Still testing the old triangle on both sides.


Still testing the old triangle on both sides.

On the reverse side


On the reverse side

I have it like this on my diaries.


Still, MT5 is a great forum:

We're going north now.

No, south.

and fuck you...

Fuck you ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

What I like about MT5 is that you can highlight emotions, but here people don't understand where they are joking, where they are angry, where they are offended, where they say serious things, etc.

В МТ5 мне нравится, что можно выделить эмоции, а здесь люди не понимают где шутят, где злятся, где обижаются, где говорят серьёзные вещи и т.д.

Attempt #2 today, on which I leave you until August 2nd)))


Leaving right now?

What do you mean you're leaving? Who's going to binge now?) Don't leave, you'll get bored.
Leaving right now?

In 2 hours and 48 minutes))
What do you mean you're leaving? Who's going to binge now?) Don't leave, you'll get bored.

Do you want me to go crazy doing this all the time?)

In 2 hours and 48 minutes))
Space tourist?)