FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 5: July 2011) - page 118


That is the point: the situation in the eurozone is crap and the EU itself looks like a rotten old hut about to fall apart. All the eurozone macroeconomic data that came out today is bad. And the eu is going up like a son of a bitch and there is no turning back. What is going on?

Unused accumulated bearish trend energy))). We need to reach the energy parity and we will go down )))) This is a vision from my bell tower, of course )))) It doesn't depend, alas or fortunately, on news and other stuff ))))
Zat, when do you sleep?))

My view. The "real" rise has not started yet, it is a correction, like a 4-wave. There has to be a decline as a 5-wave and only then, will the pair start to rise. I don't think I've misunderstood the situation, though.... anything is possible... but I'd hate to be wrong....

Same feeling )))) That's why I'm keeping three limiters on the bottom )))

I have the same feeling )))) That's why I keep three Limiters on the bottom ))))

When we come to this zone (blue rectangle), then we will see how it will turn, but in the meantime, buy on pullbacks.


When we come to this zone (blue rectangle), then we will see how it turns, but for now, buy on pullbacks.

What is suspicious is that the rise started from non-calculated levels )))) TS found them later, so there is a probability that they will work out ))))

I have the same feeling )))) So I keep three limiters on the bottom )))
Glad to know I'm not alone... Gives me hope....)))) In the right way....))))

What's suspicious is that the rally started at non-calculated levels ))))) The TS has found them later, so there is a probability of their breakthrough ))))
Definitely we will go down again, on the daily chart usually such single shadows are not left on the breakout.
Zat, when do you sleep?))
OK, I'm asleep now, with one eye....)))) Lying on the roof of the boat deck, sunbathing, chatting with you.... and waiting for the "RUSALOS" to run out of oxygen, and they will stop pulling all sorts of crap from the bottom of the sea, and put it on board my boat....)))))

When we come to this zone (blue rectangle), then we will see how it turns, but for now, buy on pullbacks.

We can go lower at any moment, we will grow maximum to 1.4305, and then, as I told you yesterday, the limit is between 1.36-1.37... presumably 1.3660.... and from there the express will go up

When we come to this zone (blue rectangle), then we will see how it turns, but for now, buy on pullbacks.

What is the oscillator in the basement below the volumes?