FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 5: July 2011) - page 263

The Amero will not work, and the US does not need it. There is already a new reserve currency, look at the CHF graph over 10 years against all currencies

Is the introduction of AMERA in America this year realistic or not ? After all, if you think fundamentally it's not a bad time.... And the machinery will go limp and there are far fewer fundamentalists)))

AMERA is a currency option for Latin American countries. It's their idea and has nothing to do with the States.


AMERA is a currency option for Latin American countries. It is their idea and has nothing to do with the States.

The Amero is a North American project (USA, Canada and Mexico). It is ephemeral for the time being, and no one needs it in the short term. South America was thinking of introducing Sucre.

There are also Asian plans. Were. The hunt for such projects has been pretty much discouraged by the recent developments with the Euro, which was the example of all these "panaceas" planned.


Is the introduction of AMERA in America this year realistic or not ? After all, if you think fundamentally it's not a bad time.... And the machinery will go limp and there are far fewer fundamentalists)))
Not realistic... It will be the collapse of the world economy including Russia and Ukraine....No one will allow that for the next 5 years...

Amero is a North American project (USA, Canada and Mexico). Ephemeral so far, and not needed in the short term. South America is thinking of introducing Sucre.

There are also Asian plans. Were. The hunt for such projects has been very much discouraged by the recent developments with the Euro, the example of which all these "panaceas" were planned.

Yes, I'm wrong. I read an article a few months ago.... Now proYandexed it - the States are inventors :)))
Not realistically... It will be the collapse of the world economy, including Russia and Ukraine... No one will allow it for the next 5 years...

What won't they allow? The collapse of the Russian or Ukrainian economy? Or the world economy?

Who will not?

Not realistic... It will be the collapse of the world economy, including Russia and Ukraine... No one will allow it for the next 5 years...

Then we must conclude that there has been a change of power in the U.S., a new brotherhood has come, while Soros and other henchmen of the old government have retired, and the whole world is feverish because of the changes in the states. Recall that the crisis started because the ratings were tampered with, you could say it was the agony of the old government that allowed this to happen...

Then we must conclude that there is a change of power in the USA, a new brotherhood has come in and Soros and the other henchmen of the old government have retired and the whole world is feverish because of the changes in the states. Recall that the crisis started because the ratings were tampered with, you could say it was the agony of the old government that allowed this to happen...

I agree, the electricity in the wires is because of the light bulbs.

What won't they allow? The collapse of the Russian or Ukrainian economy? Or the world economy?

Who won't?

Make the buck/hryvna 1/1 and I will buy myself a decent car. I am sick and tired of overpaying for a car in our country, or at least I will buy one from abroad.

Igor, shall we help our stoker brothers?