FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 5: July 2011) - page 198


I agree that it didn't work out, but don't forget to look at higher TFs... I think they're the priority, imho... and they say that you can turn around and that's why I don't look too much at n4... ....

I'm talking about risings and corrections
It is naive to expect exactly what everyone expects to happen in the market )))
On that basis, 4335 is really possible... It's a bit of a scare to get into the market.
We should not wait, but observe and draw conclusions
On that basis, 4335 is a real possibility... I'm a little nervous to enter the market.
It's too late to enter... we have to wait for a reversal...

I'll check how often EMA 24 shift 1 (I have circles... it's more beautiful) is a resistance... but once again bounced from this line... Or it's just a return to the level that they tried to break through several times... then they did break through... return... and then growth from it again... If we use a classical way of working levels... Time will tell... the level is not a verdict...

It's too late to enter... we have to wait for a reversal...

I'm not waiting anymore ))))


I'm not waiting any longer ))))

go go..... let's go))))
It is naive to expect exactly what everyone expects to happen in the market )))

What everyone expects will happen in the market (today - tomorrow). I am waiting for the yen - decline, intervention (explicit, implicit)

What everyone is waiting for (today - tomorrow) will happen in the market. I am waiting for the yen - a decline, an intervention (explicit, implicit)

I am not waiting for the yen either )))