FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 5: July 2011) - page 195


My view of the market...

I'm leaning towards that too, moreover, I intend to lend to the market, in the form of investments in selected currency pairs. You can't take without giving something back. Your cautious strategy is the key to success.
Long term and safe, but is it worth it?

I feel comfortable trading this way. The principle of opening and "forgetting". No need to be constantly at the computer. Yes, there are a lot of advantages for the sake of which it is worthwhile.

This is a demo, the link to monitor onyx is in my profile.


A line from a national song: "I got that, you got that, I got that".

The market is like an animal, you will never know what is in its mind at the moment, and a trader is like a trainer - he must always be on guard, once he enters the cage. You have to find ways to control the beast without entering the cage.

As one friend told me, there are uncles in the market who lead the market, analysts who detect market movements and there are crowds who tend to follow the market. In this case we have a ratio of 1/9/90. You can reach only 99% and it is up to you to decide in what group you belong.

Guys, I'm sorry. Are you saying that the Euro will go down? When?

By the way, tell me a good info site where you can read the news normally.

Why do you need news? They have nothing good to say - only noise, someone is trading on the news, catching the movement... And it will go down when the up wave is over not long now ...

As Pussycat Matroskin used to say: "We have the means - we don't have the brains...".
For that, you either have to study or change the field of work - not everyone is a baker...
Hmmm... If it gets to 1.4270, it could go up another hundred pips.
You're telling the truth... 1.4285-1.4365 pivot range.

I wonder if this view, in any way, can fit within the concept of waves?

look at H4 for a start ... this is as one of the upside options - but there is also a higher upside option


Look at H4 for a start ... that's as one of the upside options - but there is also a higher upside option

Another look at the same rise:

2 differently directed butterflies were formed, the one going down is not yet confirmed and may be canceled, and on the upper one, though, stop-loss is huge (will be moved to the target when and if the lower butterfly is canceled by the price going up above 1.43)

The American unemployment and Bernanke's speech may move the price up as well as down. Watch.


Another look at the same growth:

There are 2 differently directed butterflies, the one going down is not yet confirmed and may be cancelled, and it is time to put a stop loss, though (it will be moved to the target when and if the lower butterfly is cancelled by the price's passage upwards above 1.43)

The American unemployment and Bernanke's speech may move the price up as well as down. Watch.

In the first place the second butterfly is not yet formed so it is too early to talk about its formation...only after its formation and the price reaches the end point of the first butterfly can be said about the beginning of the formation of the second butterfly.

Where can turn (strong and not very strong) where !!! probability of reversal is oooh very high. + on D1 there is an Ishimoku cloud ...the senkoy line Span B- strong resistance