FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 5: July 2011) - page 122

I think the rate of fall has increased, like a hint of movement

I think we're going to close the gap on Beni's friction... Margaret some kind of fundamental vacuum here today)))

And the money in the rain has disappeared.....Anything but a technique ???

Benya is about to speak - let's see...
I think the rate of fall has increased, like a hint of movement

Benya is wiping the microphone)))
Do more on H1
And if you look at H4.
Thank you! LOL
2011.07.13 16:01:38 *Foreign Bank Chairman Bernanke: The pace of economic recovery remains modest for now
2011.07.13 16:01:53 *Bernanke: Weak recovery is partly due to temporary factors
2011.07.13 16:02:31 *Bernanke: Oil prices are stabilizing, easing pressure on households
2011.07.13 16:02:5513 16:02:55 *Bernanke: The pace of recovery will accelerate over the next quarters
2011.07.13 16:03:46 *Bernanke reiterated that GDP growth in 2011 is likely to be 2.7%-2.9%
2011.07.13 16:04:10 *Bernanke reiterated that GDP growth in 2013 is likely to be 3.5%-4.2%
2011.07.13 16:04:31 *Bernanke: Unemployment rate will fall slowly
201107.07.13 16:05:11 *Bernanke: Q4 unemployment rate likely to be 8.6%-8.9%
2011.07.13 16:05:36 *Bernanke: Long-term unemployment poses serious challenges
2011.07.13 16:05:43 *DJIA +103 points - Bernanke highlighted deflationary threat
2011.07.13 16:06:11 *Bernanke: Consumer spending is key to the pace of recovery
201107.07.13 16:06:39 *Bernanke: Household spending should rise in the medium term
2011.07.13 16:07:05 *Bernanke: Rising inflation likely to be temporary
2011.07.13 16:08:17 *Bernanke: Fed forecasts significant slowdown in inflation in second half of year
2011.07.13 16:08:51 *Bernanke: Bond buying program has reduced borrowing costs
2011.07.13 16:09:33 *Bernanke: We will sell our securities portfolio when circumstances permit
2011.07.13 16:10:34 *Bernanke: The Fed is prepared to respond accordingly
2011.07.1313 16:11:04 *Bernanke: The Fed has additional tools to support the economy
2011.07.13 16:12:03 *Bernanke: Interest rates will remain exceptionally low for an extended period
2011.07.13 16:12:52 *FED: The debt limit dispute has not yet affected the price of Treasury bonds
2011.07.13 16:13:37 *FED: Demand for Treasuries will be supported by uncertainty in Europe
2011.07.13 16:14:11 *FED: High commodity prices likely to lead to higher supply
2011.07.13 16:14:38 *FED: China and emerging economies provide demand for commodities
2011.07.13 16:15:06 *FED: Timing of supply and demand correction remains unclear
2011.07.07.13 16:15:52 *FED: Markets resilient despite turmoil in the Middle East, Japan and Europe
2011.07.13 16:16:30 *FED: Vulnerability of European banks to Greece and Ireland problems is a concern
2011.07.13 16:16:56 *FED: Trade-weighted Chinese currency declined
2011.07.13 16:01:38 *Foreign Bank Chairman Bernanke: The pace of recovery remains modest
2011.07.13 16:01:53 *Bernanke: Weak recovery is partly due to temporary factors
2011.07.13 16:02:31 *Bernanke: Oil prices stabilize, easing pressure on households
2011.07.13 16:02:55 *Bernanke: The pace of recovery will accelerate over the next quarters
2011.07.13 16:03:46 *Bernanke reiterates that GDP growth in 2011 is likely to be 2.7%-2.9%
2011.07.13 16:04:10 *Bernanke reiterates that GDP growth in 2013 is likely to be 3.5%-4.2%

We will be able to verify his answers tomorrow.
Bullshit ))))) Looks like the market knew yesterday what Benya would say today )))) And not only did he know but he was shouting about it )))) All news is bullshit ))))