FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 5: July 2011) - page 32


BBC video: This graphic shows what has gone wrong and why Greece's problem could become a global one

The video is boyish.

1. If Greece is excluded from the Eurozone, it will have little effect on the currency itself - perhaps the exchange rate will fall in the beginning, but then it will return to the same levels or even, more likely, strengthen again.

2. Other countries are unlikely to follow Greece as Greece will face such economic problems if it pulls out that it will probably have to sell the country.

3. it is not clear that the UK is in the mix with Greece, Spain, Ireland and Portugal - as it is not part of the euro zone and is not going to be.

4. The problem of the Eurozone is the absence of a common economy and budget, i.e. each country is its own boss, and all the decisions on the budgets proposed by the ECB are only recommendatory.

And if the euro remains only in Germany, there will be no collapse of the currency, just remember the Deutsche Marka, a fairly stable currency, although cheaper than the dollar.


And if the euro stays only in Germany, there will be no collapse of the currency, just think of the Deutsche Marka, quite a stable currency, although cheaper than the dollar.

There will be -euro-mark)))) and it will be worth 2-3 quid)))
would be -euro-mark)))) and would be worth 2-3 quid)))

More like one and a half :) or even less

The exchange rate of the German mark against the dollar reached its historical peak on April 19, 1995, when one US dollar was worth 1.3620 marks (in terms of 1 € = 1.4360 $).

The lowest German mark-to-dollar exchange rate was from April 3 to April 9, 1956, when one dollar was worth 4.2161 marks (in terms of 1 € = 0.4639 $).


Bought last night, but I'm afraid all the stops will go up on the rate news.

Levels for today:


You are right, the indicator also shows it. I wonder why no one uses the indicator, at least to assess the moment of reversal, trend and flat characteristics. You should read the number of bars since the trend's beginning and set the number 30 in the parameters. At present, on H1 this figure is 13 and the indicator clearly shows the reversal moment. You can use it at least for reference so that you can guess less.

Can I have a screenshot, as they say, it's better to see it once?


At 4 o'clock the eu is still in the uncertainty zone of the triangle, which is a worrying option as it could go anywhere. This is my view so far:

Again, those who trade within the day, I think it is not reasonable to lose the price gap of 350pc. So everyone decides for himself.


Can I have a screenshot, as they say it's better to see it once?

I'm not Yusuf, but here's a screenshot


You are right, the indicator also shows. I wonder why no one uses the indicator, at least to assess the moment of reversal, trend and flat characteristics. You should read the number of bars since the trend's beginning and set the number 30 in the parameters. At present, on H1 this figure is 13 and the indicator clearly shows the reversal moment. It can be used as a reference so that you guess less.


Once again, for the very dim-witted, please give me a link to the indicator you mention in the quoted post, so it will be clear where to go :o))


I'm not Yusuf, but here's a screenshot

And the comments? Because I don't understand any of this.

Comments, as far as I personally understand this indicator from the author's description: The trader's yellow line and one should follow its direction when trading. When all lines merge into one it means a high probability that the chosen market direction is correct. But the red line in the screenshot still points downwards, so it is neither here nor there :)))

Here is the link to the indicator: