Searching for market patterns - page 110

Don't worry, you won't be, you're white and fluffy. The moderators will be the ones to blame anyway.

I'd like to believe it, because I've been there before....

As for being white and fluffy, we're no match for you .... "custodians of the order"...

trol222: I'd like to believe it, because it's been done before....
No, I haven't (if you're talking about granit77's suggestion , it wasn't a threat, just a suggestion to start a new thread of your own).
Please, tell me, how do you draw the blue line? Or rather, what is the pattern of the low-pass filter?

That's how many parameters a digital LPF has. If there was a perfect filter, they wouldn't be necessary. This one has a good AFC, but the nonlinearity of the MFD spoils the whole thing. There are some filters that have perfectly linear FFI, but they take as long as rails from Moscow to Dushanbe and take half an hour to figure out. I have to look for some compromise and I haven't found it yet. Now I'm thinking about a completely different implementation of filters.

No, I haven't (if you're talking about granit77's suggestion , it wasn't a threat, just a suggestion to create a new branch of your own).
Made to me alone publicly and officially.....notwithstanding what is happening in the branch.... by the way now instead of writing on the left (not related in any way to forex) issue in the PM you are getting into a controversy with me exactly in the branch.... we've been doing some trash-talking .... it's strange that it's not you but me....
trol222: By the way, now instead of writing on the left (not related to forex), you are getting into a discussion with me in the branch.... we've just made a lot of noise here .... It's weird that it's not you that's noticing it, it's me....

Told you the moderator would be the one to take the fall.

Alright, it's been hushed up. Anything further on this subject will be deleted.



People have been looking for years for a unique combination of indicators and their parameters, instead of getting a proper understanding of even a simple wizard. Everyone knows it lags, but few can tell you why it lags and how to make it not lag. It's easy to do, although it will be redrawn. But overdrawing in itself is not a bad thing. If I win, it makes no difference if it's not lagging.

Mashka does not lag behind.
Mashka is not lagging behind.

That's right!

You should always say lagging behind the price.


1-That would be a good idea to determine from the very beginning what is called the true price, and whether it is possible to find out somehow. If not, then it is useless. Then either change its meaning so that it can be known, or forget about it.

Why not call the blue line the true price?

2-Mash is the simplest digital LPF, albeit of very poor quality. Nevertheless, it is possible to get something similar out of the mashka as well.

3-I think if you took the tester out of the MT, everyone would be better off. People have been looking for years for a unique combination of indicators and their parameters instead of getting a proper handle on even a simple dash. Everyone knows it lags, but few can tell you why it lags and how to make it not lag. It's easy to do, although it will be redrawn. But overdrawing in itself is not a bad thing. If I win it makes no difference if my indicator redraws. If I lose, it does not make any difference. In any case it doesn't make any difference. Although, it is useful to know the reasons, magnitude and consequences of re-rating.

4 - Unfortunately, MT5 has no possibility to import data and it's hard to rewrite the indicator for working with files.

If I wanted to use a filter, I would see the results of analysis with waveforms without using digital filters and without considering waveforms' smoothing (with waveforms averaging without additional smoothing). I think we should get something similar, but the lines will probably be very bumpy.

If you don't have the ability to import it just download the history up to that date and make a screenshot ... sorry for the annoyance I must have already annoyed you. I wanted to see this particular section based on the data and minutes only for this one pair section


That's right!

You should always say lagging behind the price.

And by as much as the average
Mashka is not late.

I know the mashka doesn't lag and the spider doesn't shave. But that's what most people call it, that's why I wrote it that way, to make it clear to everyone.