The absurdity of a stop loss - page 24

1.12 I take it this is a coefficient of some sort, not points? Or am I wrong.
It's a dollar. For a lot of €0.1 1p = $1
Yeah, I'm disappointed. Why does the tester draw such nice growth charts? Does it take into account the profitable without losing ones? However, why get upset, we need to see what was shown on that segment without taking into account the flat piece.
VladislavVG: closing;). The current minus shows how much you will lose if you close right now.

I can see that equity is reduced by the spread at the time the position is opened. My reality is equity. That's why I think the spread has already been taken from me. But in the end it makes no difference. Let it close.

The important thing is that there is no split spread, as ratnasav thinks... ratnamb... in short, Dimitri.

I also encounter periods when it is necessary to "flip" the entry conditions against the TS. How does the market turn over completely?

The question is a philosophical one - forex trading. Who is the market? - It is not a faceless mass, it is the capitals of those who have them concentrated - the ones who see our positions. The price movement is a business plan.... (I think it's all set by the end of the month) even freight-taxis have a business plan.

The market stands(and will go) against the aggregate position of traders ... traders have flipped and the market will flip... (just in case most of them start winning from the banks - they'll shut down the shop... ...they'll make an entry at a lakh or something...)


I can see that equity is reduced by the spread at the time the position is opened. My reality is equity. That's why I think the spread has already been taken from me. But in the end it makes no difference. Let it close.

The important thing is that there is no bifurcation of the spread as ratnasav believes... ratnamb... in short, Dimitri.

It is 100% and the difference is not much. For a constant spread, there is no difference at all.

As for the bifurcation of the spread or, more precisely, payment of half of the spread when we set / transfer a stop - so this:

Да, на "механические" тейки и стопы бесполезно тратится половина спреда, т.к. за любое изменение 
позиции мы платим "заведению" 1/2 спреда.

Попробую еще раз. Итак, за каждое изменение позиции мы отдаем "посреднику" половину спреда 
(не считая проскальзываний) - это во-первых. Во-вторых, срабатывание ТР (или SL) == изменению позиции. 
Т.о., пол-спреда у нас забрали, вопреки нашей воле. Ну и в-третьих, МО использования SL и TP "без мозгОв" 
(не знаю, как выразится еще понятнее), == ~0 без учета комиссии посредника, а учетом ее ==-spread/2.

Поэтому, если у вашего ТР "мозгИ" есть, то это просто замечательно.

Кроме того, бывают разные случаи ипользования TP(SL), когда потеря половины спреда может быть оправдана.

pure theorist's speculation. Of course, of course. In general, I do not understand why one can draw such a conclusion......

And if the system is based on catching turning points . We have some probability of correct position opening, with some accuracy. Then taking a risk on the deposit of say %, a stop loss is mandatory. Imho - the point is that we have a limited risk and potentially unlimited profit, then the stop loss as a whole is able to increase the profitability of the strategy.
And if the system is based on catching turning points . We have some probability of correct opening of a position, with some accuracy. Then taking a risk on the deposit of say %, a stop loss is mandatory. Imho - the point is that we have a limited risk and potentially unlimited profit, then the stop loss as a whole is able to increase the profitability of the strategy.
Potentially unlimited profits. Oh, and the guys don't know...
Potentially unlimited profits. Oh, boy. Don't the guys know...
don't be fooled: there has not yet been a deposit that could potentially sustain unlimited profits
don't be fooled: there has potentially never been a deposit that could sustain unlimited profits
There is potentially such a deposit...
I see, there are objections to potentially unlimited profits. What about the use of a stop loss in such a stratagem, does it increase profitability or not?