The market is a controlled dynamic system. - page 537

Dmytryi Nazarchuk #:
Not galaxies are running away, amateur physicist, but the universe is expanding. The very fabric of space itself is expanding. Oh Gods.......)))))))

Yes, of course it's expanding. And, as it turns out, with acceleration. And this acceleration for some reason began four billion years ago.
But in order to make the theory add up, dark energy and dark matter were invented, which must be several times larger than ordinary matter. It's okay that no one has seen or felt this dark matter and energy and no one has any idea what it is.
What else can scientists come up with to justify an unworkable theory?
This story reminds me of a flat Earth on three elephants or whales. No - on 3 elephants on a whale or a turtle that floats to who knows where and where.
The moral of this fable:
Science is in its infancy and poking around like a blind kitten. To develop science in the right direction, we need to make our brains more flexible and independent of dogma.


Stanislav Georgievich Pokrovsky's article"Stopping the Scientific and Technological Revolution" is interesting and proving.

Dmytryi Nazarchuk #:
Not the galaxies are running away, amateur physicist, but the Universe is expanding. The very fabric of space is expanding. Oh, Gods.......)))))))

Is the universe space and time? Or is it not?

And what kind of space is it if it is expanding?

And what's interesting is that it's expanding in all directions from the earth)))))))) Maybe even from the moon.

And where is it expanding to? Into another space?)))

It's like a balloon in a balloon that inflates and inflates.) Soon it will hit the walls and time and space will collapse.)

And where shall we store this collapsed stuff?(((.

Oh these scientists. They warm the soul.

Uladzimir Izerski #:

Is the universe space and time? Or is it not?

And what kind of space is it if it is expanding?

And what's interesting is that it's expanding in all directions from the earth)))))))) Maybe even from the moon.

And where is it expanding to? Into another space?)))

It's like a balloon in a balloon that inflates and inflates.) Soon it will hit the walls and time and space will collapse.)

And where shall we store this collapsed stuff?(((.

Oh these scientists. They warm the soul.

Like where, in a black hole).

khorosh #:

Like where, in a black hole).

If there is no space, no time, then there is no CH.

And if there is a BH, then it has to be stored in something, so it lies in space. If it lies there for a long time, then there is time.

Who doesn't know. Long is time.)

When the universe was formed time was minuscule)))

I have been brainwashed by clever men since childhood. And there are some here on this forum too.

The universe is expanding. Hooray! More free space in the world))))

Roads to other worlds. Let's go around the universe in a straight line and come back from the other side.

Ooh, perspective. It's breathtaking.)))


For those who don't know.

Bitcoins were introduced on earth by humanoids so that when humans fly to other worlds and humanoids transit near earth, they can freely pay for fuel at interstellar gas stations. Musk will soon be building a big gas station with the prospect of more humanoid flights. They're hard at work on hydrogen production. Just don't tell anyone. We'll be investing in hydrogen fuel for the whole cutlet. Just don't tell anyone.

Uladzimir Izerski #:

For those who don't know.

Bitcoins were introduced on earth by humanoids so that when humans fly to other worlds and humanoids transit near earth, they can freely pay for fuel at interstellar gas stations. Musk will soon be building a big gas station with the prospect of more humanoid flights. They're hard at work on hydrogen production. Just don't tell anyone. We'll be investing in hydrogen fuel for the whole cutlet. Just don't tell anyone.

Isn't it time for a snack?

Evgeny Belyaev #:

Isn't it time for a snack?

It's for comparison. There aren't many posts here that don't require an appetizer))

Uladzimir Izerski #:

This is for comparison. There are few posts here after which you don't have to snack))

You should snack BEFORE you post something on the forum

People, on the other hand, write in scientific journals without snacking.

"It is thought that when, in the Jurassic period, some 200 million years ago, the supercontinent Pangaea, which united virtually all of the Earth's landmass, began to break up, it first split into two continents: Eurasia in the northern hemisphere and Gondwana in the southern hemisphere. Then, in turn, Lavasia split into North America and Eurasia, and between them the Atlantic Ocean emerged, which has been continuously expanding ever since. The axis of expansion, or spreading, is a fault in the Earth's crust that runs along the entire central part of the Atlantic Ocean. On its two sides, a mid-oceanic ridge is formed by the influx of melts from the mantle - it stretches continuously from the southern tip of Africa and South America through the North Pole to the Arctic shores of Eurasia. "

Not just the universe, but the Atlantic Ocean is also expanding.

By the way. Many scientists are proving that the continents are diverging, not the ocean expanding. Then supposedly the Pacific Ocean should be shrinking. But nowhere do they write about it or notice it. Strange. They don't see it behind them).

Soon the ocean will expand and cover all the land. Everyone will live on boats and Elon Musk and Abramovich on yachts.

We'll invest in hydrogen and floating vehicles. Just don't tell anyone about it.