The market is a controlled dynamic system. - page 438

Andrey Pogoreltsev:
Has it been about turtles and a flat Earth yet?))) I think that's where it's going.

comehere, star of david... Maybe you'll say something clever there... compete with your fellow smart guys... however, the best thing for you is martingale...

что такое тренд?
что такое тренд?
  • 2020.01.30
хочется услышать разные мнения по поводу,что такое тренд. когда то давно нашел в интернете определение тренда и считаю его верным...
Andrey Pogoreltsev:
Hasn't it been about turtles and a flat Earth yet?))) I think that's what it's all about.

Andrey Pogoreltsev. What is it about... A hard case...

Олег avtomat:

A wonderful lecture.

Part 1.


Rare nonsense, a typical example of a cobbler taking up songwriting, or a chemist trying to campaign for a revision of physics, with a very poor understanding of physics itself.


Rare nonsense, a typical example of a cobbler taking up songwriting, or a chemist trying to agitate for a review of physics, with a very poor understanding of physics itself.

this "song" has been known for a long time... open your eyes, "like a physicist"...


Unfortunately it has to be said that over the last forty years there has been a
a democratisation of physics in the worst sense of the word. In the process of making
important decisions for the development of physics are made by large
collectives of people or people far from strategic thinking. On
on all major issues of development, there's public opinion,
which hangs heavy shackles on any original thought.

A limited set of closed triangles can be formed from the set of currency pairs offered by the BC:


In more general terms :

or in this representation :


In its most general form, a ring including all available currency pairs can be constructed :


The direction of movement of currency pairs of the triangle depends on the ratio of velocities of the currencies comprising the triangle.

Knowing the direction of movement and velocities of the currencies comprising the triangle uniquely determines the optimal working currency pair and trading direction.

It's interesting about the speed of currencies. If only in more detail.
Evgeniy Chumakov:
About the velocity of currencies is interesting. If only in more detail.

s - trajectory of movement

ds/dt - speed of movement

If the trajectory of the currency is known, its velocity can be determined.

And to do this, the task of determining the trajectories of the currencies that make up the "triangle" is set and solved.
Олег avtomat:

About trends.

The simplest model with three different-scale fluctuations.

Why 3 and not 53?

Nikolai Semko:

Why 3 and not 53?

if you don't understand, you could foolishly shoot 3333.

That's what you do, you don't understand the phenomenon - you're only interested in your colorful moving pictures.

You're probably completely unfamiliar with the concept of the dominant component of the movement - ask yourself.

and try to determine what each component of the movement contributes to the overall movement.

Maybe then you'll understand...

I have no desire to talk to you -- ignore me.