The market is a controlled dynamic system. - page 283


The event is the formation of an external tangent.

formation of an outer tangent === U-turn?
Am I wrong? ))

formation of an outer tangent === U-turn?

No, cessation of movement.
No, a cessation of movement.



There is no prediction. There is an event - a reversal.

There is no sell signal in your picture on that bar.

That's what closing the Jun kbar is all about!

And it's not Friday yet! It is, though.


You got it?

OK, a set of events.

Your picture doesn't show a sell signal on that bar.

How do you know what was there and what wasn't there.

My system is dynamic.

// (I suspect you don't understand the meaning of the word... )

You're used to TA, and TA is static.

// (I suspect you don't understand the meaning of this word either... )

When you understand the differences - differences not in sound, but in essence - then maybe you'll understand what I mean...

If your system allows you to open inside a bar and does not show it visually in any way, all your pictures can be wiped clean.
If your system allows you to open inside a bar and does not show it visually in any way, all your pictures can be wiped clean.

Andrei, weren't you asked to do it on a fiver?