The market is a controlled dynamic system. - page 463

Evgeny Belyaev:

Well you've got it all by mistake, you've got an error in the formula, you've got a division by zero in the denominator.

You need to repost. For suckers, like Rena, you've gone down once again. So where's the grail?

All right, that's enough. Don't bring him here so he doesn't shit in here.


The universe is a single mechanism. All the motions going on in it mutually condition one another. There is not a single movement which has arisen without a cause and there is not a single movement which has not given rise to a consequence which then becomes a cause for other kinds of movement.

Nothing appeared by itself, or entirely by chance, without a physical and actually working cause.

No point in the World stands still: everything moves, both within itself and through space.


When the most zealous efforts of generation after generation of researchers fail to achieve a particular goal, there is always a strong temptation to declare that the goal is simply unattainable. This is a common reaction to years of frustration.

"In short," says Alfred Lande, "if you can't clear up a problematic situation, declare it 'fundamental' and then promulgate the relevant principle.

Therefore, physical science is full of principles rather than explanations.

From the Encyclopaedia Britannica:

"The question, "What is electricity?", like the question, "What is matter?" lies outside the realm of physics and belongs to the realm of metaphysics." (that's it!!!) ;))))))))


The same is true of numerous "market theories".

Олег avtomat:

When the most zealous efforts of generation after generation of researchers fail to achieve a particular goal, there is always a strong temptation to declare that the goal is simply unattainable. This is a common reaction to years of frustration.

"In short," says Alfred Lande, "if you can't clear up a problematic situation, declare it 'fundamental' and then promulgate the relevant principle.

Therefore, physical science is full of principles rather than explanations.

From the Encyclopaedia Britannica:

"The question, "What is electricity?", like the question, "What is matter?" lies outside the realm of physics and belongs to the realm of metaphysics." (that's it!!!) ;))))))))


Exactly the same is the case with numerous "market theories".

To put it briefly: wherever a human hand is involved, the result is unpredictable.

The market is with human participation, it is not electricity, where the movement of electrons is known in advance.

Олег avtomat:

When the most zealous efforts of generation after generation of researchers fail to achieve a particular goal, there is always a strong temptation to declare that the goal is simply unattainable. This is a common reaction to years of frustration.

"In short," says Alfred Lande, "if you can't clear up a problematic situation, declare it 'fundamental' and then promulgate the relevant principle.

Lande wrote this 60 years ago.

Did you come to us in a time machine?

Or did physics end with Landais?

Олег avtomat:

The universe is a single mechanism. All the motions going on in it mutually condition one another. There is not a single movement which has arisen without a cause and there is not a single movement which has not given rise to a consequence which then becomes a cause for other kinds of movement.

Nothing appeared by itself, or entirely by chance, without a physical and actually working cause.

Not a single point in the World stands still: everything moves, both within itself and through space.

Everything in the world is completely random. the chains of events visible to the viewer seem to be interconnected, but they are only random (probabilistic) positions of energies in space (and existing simultaneously in several places).

there is no "single mechanism", there is only the dual nature of the particle and the principle of its probabilistic position, the presence of the particle generates - gravitation, its motion - time.

there is nothing else.

the person writing these lines (and the person who with great probability will oppose with a cudgel in hand) is nothing but a series of random events in the form of a probabilistic particle cloud.

I forgot to say, what happens (what it looks like) depends on the presence of an observer.

Vitaly Muzichenko:

In short: where a human hand is involved, the outcome is not predictable.

The market is where man is involved; it is not electricity, where the movement of electrons is known in advance.

let me object, colleague, man does not know what electricity is until now and never has. the directed "movement of electrons" in the presence of electric current is nothing more than a convenient model, but does not explain the passage of current where electrons do not exist (those that could be the carrier of electrical energy transfer).

Andrey Dik:

the directed "movement of electrons" in the presence of electric current is nothing but a convenient model, but does not explain the passage of current where there are no electrons (those that could be the carrier of electrical energy transfer).




sta sta.... but sta...

there is experimental evidence that the electron is not a carrier of electrical energy.

Andrey Dik:

HQ.... but sta...

there is experimental evidence that the electron is not a carrier of electrical energy.

Electrical energy only exists in schoolchildren and electricians.

In physics there is electromagnetic energy.

What about electric current without electrons?