The market is a controlled dynamic system. - page 448


And it's not the first time.

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and trading strategy testing

Random Walking :

Oleg avtomat, 2020.04.09 22:19

I've been browsing through the last pages of this thread. And I see that some of my posts have been deleted by the moderator. But there was nothing illegal in them. The moderator doesn't like my position -- deleted the post.

Moderator, why are you deleting my posts? And you don't notice the critics' posts with explicit attacks against me. What kind of double standard is this?...what kind of double morality is this....

Moderator, put my posts back where they belong.

and so many, many...

Олег avtomat:

Hmmm... strange things you say, Artyom...

Is it really necessary to get banned in order to identify troll parasites?

Trolls here are under the patronage of moderators (not all, but some for sure). And fish, as you know, rot from the head.

You know, I can't keep track of every thread. Just, before you start swearing right and left, write me a private message about the trolls harassing you. Skype is worse, I'm not always there. On the forum every day. Just be patient and don't swear at trolls. Just write to me and use the "Violation" button to mark all posts where you've been harassed - we'll deal with it.

I can see that you're being treated strangely. But you get banned for swearing. And it's already your fault - don't bark at trolls. Don't bark back at the dogs in the yard - if that allegory is easier to understand.

ZS. I have corrected your post - no need to get angry again. I've already seen it all without duplicating it here.

Олег avtomat:

And it's not the first time.

and so many, many more...

You know, people who don't do any good for the forum, but just have fun picking on those who do any projects here, are useless people.

Don't engage with their antics - it's their raison d'être here in particular and in life in general.

Don't stoop to their level. Be discreet, and if you can't, ask for help. Not everyone here has a negative attitude towards you.

Don't feed the bored trolls yourself and you won't be in the ban. Feel free to hit "Violation" and let the ones who are picking on you pass you by - they know no other raison d'être.

Artyom Trishkin:

You know, I can't keep track of every thread. Just, before you start swearing right and left, write me a private message about the trolls harassing you. Skype is worse, I'm not always there. On the forum every day. Just be patient and don't swear at trolls. Just write to me and use the "Violation" button to mark all posts where you've been harassed - we'll deal with it.

I can see that you're being treated strangely. But you get banned for swearing. And it's already your fault - don't bark at trolls. Don't bark back at the dogs in the yard - if that allegory is easier to understand.

ZS. I have corrected your post - no need to get angry again. I've already seen it all without duplicating it here.

Artyom Trishkin:

You know, people who don't contribute to the forum, but just amuse themselves by picking on those who do any projects here, are useless people.

Don't engage with their antics - it's their raison d'être here in particular and in life in general.

Don't stoop to their level. Be discreet, and if you can't, ask for help. Not everyone here has a negative attitude towards you.

Don't feed the bored trolls yourself and you won't be in the ban. Feel free to hit "Violation" and skip over your attention those who are trolling you - they don't know any other reason for their existence.

Artem, and you try to look at the situation from a distance to cover it fully. And you'll see that the picture is looking back at you from a crooked mirror. A lot of things have been turned upside down.


"Feel free to click "Infringement" -- and... No reaction from the moderators most of the time. Like a poultice...


I remember not too long ago you asked me the sacred question "What good have you done this forum?", clearly or implicitly implying the answer "None", and in addition you also advised me to read a book...

Artyom Trishkin:

You know, people who don't do any good for the forum, but just have fun picking on those who do any projects here, are useless people.

Don't engage with their antics - it's their raison d'être here in particular and in life in general.

Don't stoop to their level. Be discreet, and if you can't, ask for help. Not everyone here has a negative attitude towards you.

Don't feed the bored trolls yourself and you won't sit in the ban. Feel free to hit "Violation" and ignore those who troll you - they know no other raison d'être.

Hello! It would certainly be very helpful if this forum could create closed threads...
The author of the thread himself would be adding friends and colleagues there to work together fruitfully...
And the burden on the moderators would be lifted...
Simply create a "private discussions" section in the forum and make it possible to create such closed threads. The desire to get into a branch would be implemented simply by sending a message to the topic starter in the private.
And closed threads would be visible to all comers, but the opportunity to write something was limited to the desire of the topic starter.

To be honest I myself haven't written or posted much on the forum lately simply because trolls litter all the normal posts with their rubbish background...
Well of course there are newbies too... But they just do not understand what they are writing about, and there is no point in explaining complicated things to them so that they just "get sucked into the wave of the branch" and even less time.

I'm sure a very, very many normal forum users would be very grateful to you for this wonderful opportunity.
Hello! It would certainly be handy if you could create closed threads in this forum...
The author of the thread himself would add friends and colleagues to work together...
The burden on the moderators would be lifted...
Simply create a "private discussions" section in the forum and make it possible to create such closed threads. The desire to get into a thread would be implemented simply by sending a message to the topic starter in the private.
And closed threads would be visible to all comers, but the opportunity to write something was limited to the desire of the topic starter.

To be honest I myself haven't been writing or posting much on the forum lately simply because trolls litter all the normal posts with their rubbish background...

I'm sure very, very many normal forum members would be very grateful to you for this great opportunity.

It's already been discussed

Vitaly Muzichenko:

This has already been discussed

I see. Thank you.
Artyom Trishkin:

If you're suspended for 24 hours for swearing, they're suspended for a week for inciting and provoking. If you get a week, the trolls involved get a month.

Artem, no offence, but that's a way to get kicked out of moderation. Here in general all are equal, and separately taken special comrades shouldn't be.

Oleg's threads are all swear words and non-sense, so there are plenty of trolls in them. Did the author offer even a single line of code, a trading idea or a subject for discussion? He makes the threads to shite with trolls.

Evgeniy Chumakov:

Toddler he is. I read all his posts in the hope of beholding the truth conveyed by wizards and sorcerers.

Do five or so of his signals, merged and deleted, tell you anything about seeing the truth?)

People tend to believe not who knows best, but who shouts the loudest) so chasing the ghost will be endless)
Maxim Kuznetsov:

Artem, no offence, but that can get you kicked out of moderation. Everyone is basically equal here, and there shouldn't be any special comrades on their own.

Oleg's threads are all profane and inauthentic, so there are plenty of trolls in them. Did the author offer even a single line of code, a trading idea or a subject for discussion? He makes the threads to shite with trolls.

1. It's not scary.

2. Why then is Oleg a "particular special comrade" who goes to the ban for intemperance time and time again, while the trolls who purposely bring him to emotion are happy about it and keep waiting for him from the ban for further entertainment, while not being banned? There's no need to confuse cause and effect in places.
So if you look at things from this angle, it is clear that there appears to be a "untouchable caste"?

3 If someone does not like a branch, it is none of his business, he can skip it. But no - they litter a branch with exactly the same meaningless posts.

4 And yes, I've already received requests to ban Oleg from posting here. Simply because he "writes rubbish". It was one of the known trolls.

So who then is equal and who is not?

ZS. On the allocated"to 24 hours for profanity, then them to a week for incitement and provocation".

Yeah, that's right: each one is commensurate in severity with the "merit"