The market is a controlled dynamic system. - page 449

Artyom Trishkin:

1. It's not scary.

2. Why then is Oleg a "special comrade on his own" who goes to jail time and time again for intemperance, while the trolls who deliberately get him emotional are happy about it and keep waiting for him to come out of the bathhouse for further entertainment, while not being banned? There is no need to confuse cause and effect in places.
So if you look at things from this angle, it is clear that there appears to be a "untouchable caste"?

If he does not like a branch, it is none of his business, he can just skip it. But no, they litter the branch with the same kind of meaningless posts.

4 And yes, I've already received requests to ban Oleg from posting here. Simply because he "writes rubbish". It was one of the known trolls.

So who then is equal and who is not?

ZS. On the allocated"to 24 hours for profanity, then them to a week for incitement and provocation".

Yes, that's right: each in severity commensurate with the "merit"

Yes, 100%

Artyom Trishkin:

1. It's not scary.

2. Why then is Oleg a "special comrade on his own" who goes to jail time and time again for intemperance, while the trolls who deliberately get him emotional are happy about it and continue to wait for him to come out of jail for further entertainment, while not being banned? There is no need to confuse cause and effect in places.
So if you look at things from this angle, it is clear that there appears to be a "untouchable caste"?

3 If someone does not like a branch, it is none of his business, he can skip it. But no - they litter a branch with exactly the same meaningless posts.

4 And yes, I've already received requests to ban Oleg from posting here. Simply because he "writes rubbish". It was one of the known trolls.

So who then is equal and who is not?

ZS. On the allocated"to 24 hours for profanity, then them to a week for incitement and provocation".

Yes, that's right: to each in severity commensurate with the "merit".

Reasonable and fair. To each his sister an earring).

Artyom Trishkin:

1. It's not scary.

2. Why then is Oleg a "special comrade on his own" who goes to jail time and time again for intemperance, while the trolls who deliberately get him emotional are happy about it and keep waiting for him to come out of the bathhouse for further entertainment, while not being banned? There is no need to confuse cause and effect in places.
So if you look at things from this angle, it is clear that there appears to be a "untouchable caste"?

3 If someone does not like a branch, it is none of his business, he can skip it. But no - they litter a branch with exactly the same meaningless posts.

4 And yes, I've already received requests to ban Oleg from posting here. Simply because he "writes rubbish". It was one of the known trolls.

So who then is equal and who is not?

ZS. On the allocated "to 24 hours for profanity, then them to a week for incitement and provocation".

Yes, that's right: each in severity commensurate with the "merit"

It's funny, Oleg swears at someone and they get a week in jail. Incitement and provocation subjective concepts (the more so the TC turns on everything but praise) and obvious rudeness just 24 hours.

Yes, his first post was "how he flipped out" and was rude and insulting to everyone. Should we all leave the forum for a week ? :-)

Maxim Kuznetsov:

It's funny, Oleg will swear at someone and the person will be in a week's sleep. Incitement and provocation are subjective concepts (the more so the TC is turned on by everything but praise) and the obvious rudeness only 24 hours.

Yes, his first post was "how he flipped out" and was rude and insulting to everyone. Should we all leave the forum for a week ? :-)

Do you take me for an idiot?

I read everything beforehand.

Artyom Trishkin:

Do you take me for an idiot?

I read everything beforehand.

This guy treats everyone like an idiot. His thing is to turn it upside down. It looks ridiculous, but he's trying.

Олег avtomat:

This guy thinks everyone is an idiot. His thing is to turn it upside down. It looks ridiculous, but he's trying.

Oleg, you're wrong.


You have been offered new rules of the game. If you get trolled, the trolls are punished, although you are punished for being rude, but less so than the trolls.

You can live with past grievances, then this rule won't apply.

If you sass without being strongly provoked, you're sorry.

Алексей Тарабанов:

Oleg, you are wrong.

You are entitled to your point of view. I am entitled to my point of view.

Алексей Тарабанов:

You have been offered new rules of the game. If you get trolled, the trolls are punished, although you are punished for being rude, but less so than the trolls.

You can live with past grievances, then this rule won't apply.

If you sass me without being strongly provoked, I'm sorry.

I have no desire to play these games.

Yes, of course.