The market is a controlled dynamic system. - page 447


Don't sweat it, Automatische. Go to SL - you'll meet lots of new friends and lots of old ones. Life goes on.

1) get sick of it...

2) What is SL ?

3) Life really goes on, and the tasks get done.

Олег avtomat:

1) are already annoying...

2) What is SL ?

3) Life does go on and the tasks at hand get done.

Hehe... Other sites are not allowed to advertise. A forum where physicists and mathematicians get together. There's the ability to moderate your own threads, "blacklist", etc. Something that is lacking here. Well, there are people who are both familiar to you (though it is difficult to recognize them in their new appearance) and very strong strangers. A break even appears :)))


Hehe... Other sites are not allowed to advertise. A forum where physicists and mathematicians get together. They have the ability to moderate their own threads, blacklist, etc. Something that is lacking here. Well, there are people who are both familiar to you (though it is difficult to recognize them in their new appearance) and very strong strangers. The break even appears :)))

what a commercial... just realised now that it must be smartlab?

I don't know why, but I can't log in there.

Олег avtomat:

What advertisement... now I realised it must be smartlab?

I don't know why, but I can't log in there.

Try again until it works. It's where the real fights with PhDs, engineering grad students, etc. are waiting for you. Well, and some of the old guard pull up here - you'll be surprised when you recognize them :). It won't be easy. Get ready. See you soon!


Try again until you get it right. Only there are real battles with Ph.D. students, postgraduates of technical universities, etc. waiting for you. Well, and some of the old guard will come up - you'll be surprised when you recognize them :). It won't be easy. Get ready. I'll see you later.

You got it.

"In 24 hours you will be able to write to your blog and leave comments on your posts. "

Try again until you get it right. Only there are real battles with Ph.D. students, postgraduates of technical universities, etc. waiting for you. Well, and some of the old guard will come up - you'll be surprised when you recognize them :). It won't be easy. Get ready. I'll see you there.

How do I find you there?

Олег avtomat:

How do I find you there?

Well, everyone finds each other there quickly. You press 'Write' and write your first post. And there people will come running to comment - that's where you'll get to know them, and whoever you need, you'll send to blacklist. Well, in general, you'll figure it out on the spot.

Олег avtomat:

How do I find you there?

Toddler is there. I read all his posts in the hope of seeing the truth conveyed by wizards and sorcerers.

Олег avtomat:

It worked.

"In 24 hours you will be able to write on your blog and leave comments on the posts."

Oleg. I'm not at liberty to keep you here. But next time you get banned, Skype me. All the trolls involved will be banned as well.

And from now on, I'll ban everyone involved. All those who caused the scandal.

If you're banned for 24 hours for swearing, they're banned for a week for inciting and provoking. If you for a week, the trolls involved for a month.

Artyom Trishkin:

Oleg. I have no right to keep you here. But next time you get banned, Skype me. All the trolls involved will be banned as well.

And from now on, I'll ban everyone involved. All those who caused the scandal.

If you're banned for 24 hours for swearing, they're banned for a week for inciting and provoking. If you for a week, the trolls involved for a month.

Hmm... that's a strange thing to say, Artyom...

Is it really necessary to get banned in order to identify troll parasites?

Isn't the moderator deleting my posts a parasite?

Here's a new one:

This one was deleted by a moderator:

This is the timeline...

2020.02.12 banned for a month with the wording "Ban till 2020.03.12 (rudeness)".

2020.03.13 banned for a week with the text "Ban until 2020.03.20 (rude communication)".

2020.04.02 banned for one week with the wording "Ban until 2020.04.09 (rude communication).

2020.04.23 banned for one day with the text "Ban until 2020.04.24 (Rude Conversation).

2020.04.28 banned for one month with the text "Ban till 2020.05.28 (Politics).

Moderators, your bias is off the charts.


On the other hand, you are quite loyal to provocateurs and parasites. Their rudeness you tend to overlook.

This one was deleted by a moderator:

2020.04.28 was banned for a month with the wording "Ban until 2020.05.28 (Politics)"

But it wasn't political in the slightest. It was a picture of two freaks, two degenerates, two degenerates.

Moderator, you're abusing your power. And in doing so, you're sure of your impunity.

You're breaking the law, you're breaking the rules of the forum. This needs to be brought to the attention of the administration.

Moderator, you banned me not for politics, but for encroaching on your god by calling him a scoundrel and a moron. And that's exactly what it really is -- he's a scoundrel and a moron.

You've made an idol of yourself and become his slave. Who do you pray to? That BG is a degenerate degenerate. And he hangs out with degenerates like him. And like the priest, like the congregation. I wonder if you've ever had a goatee braided like his? It is something akin to the grimaces of a pimply undergrowth, with all his chicken brains trying to stand out with something "like that". But he ain't got no brains but a goatee. And his bleating only confirms it.

It is possible that sooner or later your eyes will be opened and you yourself will be disgusted by your actions, or should I say, by your chosen orientation. But it is also possible that your eyes will never be opened. You think you're in the "creative class", don't you? You can't change who you are. But it's not a verdict, final and irrevocable, because you still have a chance.

It's worse when such scum get their hands on power. A prime example is your idol's friend, the other freak in the picture.

What's up? You gonna ban me again? What's the wording this time?

Trolls here are under the patronage of moderators (not all, but some for sure). And as you know, the fish rots from the head.