The market is a controlled dynamic system. - page 432


It is rare to find a two-dimensional model of a possible multi-dimensional situation.

And regarding the non-closed system, some sources argue that "In the beginning was the word." :-)


The author of the text must have skipped philosophy lectures - otherwise he would have been familiar with the analogy.

Aleksey Panfilov:

It is a rare stroke of luck to find a two-dimensional model of a possible multi-dimensional situation.

And as for the non-closed system, some sources claim that "In the beginning was the word." :-)

1) If you've ever tried to deal with N dimensions, you haven't. It's all about understanding.

What are the dimensions of the forex market, for instance, and can a two-dimensional model be found for it? What do you think?

2) A closed system is an idealization. There are no absolutely closed systems in the world. All systems are open, to one degree or another.

Aleksey Nikolayev:

Apparently the author of the text skipped philosophy lectures - otherwise he would have been familiar with the analogy.

I watched this clownery. Such "lectures" should be removed and such "lecturers" should be chased out with an ugly broom so as not to fill young people's heads with nonsense.
These, so to speak, "lecturers" first need to broaden their horizons at least a little bit, so as not to talk nonsense.


But is worth a look, it's good and informative. Have a look through it, you'll find out a lot of useful things. You won't regret it.

Скрытая сторона жизни математика Воеводского
Скрытая сторона жизни математика Воеводского
  • 2019.09.17
  • idb.kniganews
Пока ученые старательно закрывают глаза на то, чего не понимают, они не смогут постичь не только природу, которая нас окружает, но и устройство самих себя. Если же кто-то из людей науки смотрит на всё непонятное открытыми глазами, то остальные воспринимают это как нечто постыдное и запретное. Такой вот занятный рефлекс. Ровно семь лет тому...
Олег avtomat:

1) If you've ever tried to make sense of N-dimensions, you haven't. It's all about understanding, isn't it?

I have to agree, there are more questions than answers. :-(

Олег avtomat:

Watched this clownery. Such "lectures" should be removed and such "lecturers" should be chased away with a fucking broom so as not to fill young people's heads with nonsense.
These, so to speak, "lecturers" first need to broaden their horizons at least a little bit, so as not to talk nonsense.


And is worth a look, it's a good, informative site. Have a look around, you will find out a lot of useful things. You will not regret it.

The lecture is a basic primer. It is better to begin with something like Chelpanov's logic textbook.

Fascination with texts in genre "scientists hide" will not give anything good neither for youth, nor for elders.

Aleksey Nikolayev:

A lecture is the simplest form of literacy. It is better to start with something like Chelpanov's logic textbook.

A fascination with texts in the genre of "scientists conceal" will do neither young people nor old ones any good.

This "literacy" is more from the rubric "you can't make it up on purpose".

And who and what is hiding, you have not bothered to find out.

Олег avtomat:

This is more of a "can't think of anything" kind of "education".

But who is hiding what and who is hiding what - that's what you haven't bothered to figure out.

Libertarianism is better than the rampant illiteracy presented as "alternative literacy" by the detractors.

In fact, all these "detractors" are well described by Goethe:

"Look into the professor's mouth

And repeat that he lies.

"The saving virtue of the barefacedness...

Will save you all the trouble,

"will help you get around the unevenness

And lead you into the temple of unquestionability.

Hold fast to your words.

Aleksey Nikolayev:

I have no desire to continue participating in this nonsense.

BadBIOS, или Большие Проблемы
BadBIOS, или Большие Проблемы
  • 2014.08.06
  • kiwi byrd
Третью неделю на сайтах и форумах компьютерной безопасности идет весьма эмоциональное обсуждение «новой» супер-угрозы под названием BadBIOS. Как это часто бывает, диапазон мнений и оценок тут довольно широк: от «параноидальная чушь» до «все это очень и очень серьезно». О том, почему данную компьютерную напасть следовало бы называть «новой» лишь...