The market is a controlled dynamic system. - page 405

start 01.03.2019.
finish 29.03.2019.
Task set:
To increase the starting deposit by 100 times.
And without losing trades (this is important).

At the start


Олег avtomat:
Start 01.03.2019
And no losing trades (this is important).
It can't be because it can never be. (с) ))
Yuriy Asaulenko:
It can't be because it never can be. (с) ))

It's the same way SB was shouted about here as well ;))

Олег avtomat:

That's exactly what was shouted about SB here as well ;)))

Is that what leaked on the third day in the last contest?


Moderator, tell me how else to explain to this vile provocateur that he is "disliked" here?

This scumbag is enjoying himself by stirring up conflict.

I end up getting banned, and he enjoys it like a vampire.

Олег avtomat:
Moderator, tell me, how else to explain this vile provocateur?

At the very least stop thinking of yourself as king, come down to earth and communicate normally with everyone.

Vladimir Karputov:

At the very least, stop thinking of yourself as a king, come down to earth and communicate normally with everyone.

I don't think I am, but why do you think I am? because my actions are beyond your comprehension or because you have complexes?

Олег avtomat:

I don't think I am, but why do you think I am?

I can see your extremely painful reaction to any criticism. That's why I suggested you reconsider your attitude to criticism.

If you don't like someone's criticism and can't express yourself discreetly - in that case, the best thing for you to do is to be silent and not to engage in polemics.

Vladimir Karputov:

I can see your extremely painful reaction to any criticism. That's why I suggested that you reconsider your attitude to criticism.

If you don't like someone's criticism and can't speak out in moderation, then the best thing for you to do is to remain silent and not engage in polemics.

That's not criticism at all, it's trolling.

You cannot call it anything else, it is pure trolling:

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and strategy testing

The market is a controlled dynamic system.

Vitaly Muzichenko, 2019.03.01 11:23

Is this the one that blew out on the third day in the last contest?