The market is a controlled dynamic system. - page 330

Uladzimir Izerski:

You put your experiment in the public eye, so to speak, and now you are resenting everyone for the crookedness of your hands.

That doesn't seem very respectable.

I have admitted my crookedness myself and without anybody's prompting. But I have my attitude to prophets, as a kind of "opium for people". Although for young "prophets" it will hardly be understandable.

Олег avtomat:

I have admitted my crookedness on my own and without anyone's prompting. But I regard prophets as a kind of "opium for the people". Although for young "prophets" this is unlikely to be understandable.

I will be glad if your experiment is successful. But you must prove it with the result, after your words.

Be kinder to people and you will succeed.)

Олег avtomat:

For example, with $10 invested and $1000 withdrawn, would a loss of $100 be considered a drain by you?

it won't. but you never had such numbers. and i don't think they will.)

it's the same error as it was a few years ago, except you're too shy to show the statistics now ))


By the way. If you take Bernoulli's spherical monkey in a vacuum, the probability that at least one of the accounts will double in 10 tries (not counting the costs of commissions, spreads, etc.) is about 65%.

65%, Carl!

О! Welcome back from the Combinators.

Trolls have stepped up ;)))) and the 65% bullshit is utter nonsense. You'd think twice about the bullshit he's talking about...

I won't feed the trolls by getting into fights with them, but they'll sling their crap anyway, so let them stew in their own filth.

They will only shut up if they have stated goals/results.

It is the realization of those goals/results that I will be engaged in.

Олег avtomat:

Trolls have stepped up ;)))) and the 65% bullshit is utter nonsense. You'd think twice about the bullshit he's talking about...

I won't feed the trolls by getting into fights with them, but they'll sling their crap anyway, so let them stew in their own filth.

They will only shut up if they have stated goals/results.

And that's exactly what I'm going to do to achieve those goals/results.

That's right. Achieve your goals.

Otherwise, it just looks like PR for your persona. Nothing more.

It's a public thread. Everyone's free to voice their opinions. What's wrong with that?

We're not responsible for crooked hands. It's fun to watch.

It's not our money you're taking, it's from the market. Welcome, as they say, and we'll watch the movie. Maybe we'll be happy for the old man.

The idea is that this result can be achieved, I have no doubt about it. But I can see that greed won't let you do it. A simple observation, nothing more.

Олег avtomat:

The 65% bullshit is a load of crap. You should think twice about what he's talking about...

) you can check the calculations yourself if you don't believe me

