The market is a controlled dynamic system. - page 223


Know your enemy!


  • Praemonitus praemunitus - "forewarned is forearmed".



1998 edition.


Published on 15 Aug. 2013 г.

Zbigniew Brzezinski: "The New World Order will be built against Russia, on Russia's ruins and at Russia's expense."

The Grand Chessboard (American Domination and its Geostrategic Imperatives)

The author of the book, former national security adviser to the American president during the Cold War and consultant to the Centre for Strategic and International Studies.Brzezinski analyses the geopolitical situation of the current decade in the world, and especially in the Eurasian continent. He models the possible future behaviour of countries and their alliances and recommends the most appropriate response of the United States in order to maintain its position as the world's only superpower. One of his most troubling geostrategic actors is contemporary Russia, which he calls "the black hole. Despite thecomplexity of the issues, the book is written in accessible language and will undoubtedly be of interest to any reader.


The 'Machiavellianism' of the language must also be taken into account.


What a three-tiered lie. How nudging, sneaky, in the direction he wants.


  • Praemonitus praemunitus - "forewarned is forearmed" .



Greetings to the honoured tractor driver from procapital !!!!

Greetings to the honoured tractor driver from procapital !!!!

Hi! It's great to see you. What are the results of your search? What's the progress? How much further to the top?

Hi! It's so good to see you. What are the results of your search? What's the progress? How far to the top?

Likewise. A summit is a summit to strive for. Now I'm into tendential planimetry - fascinating. The name of the method, though a little inadequate, but otherwise - cool.

The forum has become boring - you're gone, Neophyte and BQQ are gone too, boredom ....


I've reached another summit and am now climbing to the next one. And there's a whole ridge ahead ;)


I'm not familiar with tendential planimetry, but I've seen pictures.

Neophyte seems to have dwelled in MOFT.

But I do not know where BQQ has gone. Maybe he has already made an unsinkable adaptive CC... -- it would be interesting to talk to him.


I've reached another summit and am now climbing to the next one. And there's a whole ridge ahead ;)


I'm not familiar with tendential planimetry, but I've seen pictures.

Neophyte seems to have dwelled in MOFT.

But I do not know where BQQ has gone. Maybe he has already made an unsinkable adaptive CC... -- it would be interesting to talk to him.

BQQ appears on the forum, but has not written anything in six months. The last time he was seen was in one contest thread. I understand that he has moved on to investors.

BQQ appears on the forum, but has not written anything in six months. The last time he was seen was in one contest thread. I understand that he has moved on to investors.

Maybe so... Or a rethink...


The overall objective is known. But the demands on the vehicle are getting tougher. It is necessary to ensure the sustainability of the vehicle.



This scheme also applies to revolutions, if you look at the world impartially.


Happy Victory Day!


. Part 1.

Downloaded 20 Feb. 2012 г.

Author: Nikolay Starikov
Title: Who led Hitler to attack Stalin
Year: 2009
Genre: History
Reads: Vyacheslav Timoshenko
Duration (audio time): 13:34:36
Format (audio codec): MP3
Audio bitrate: 96kb/s

This audiobook is about who pushed Hitler to carry out the suicidal attack on Stalin. About the true creators and masterminds of the most terrible catastrophe in Russian history. About those who gave Hitler and his party money and helped them come to power. Shows the true purpose of the Nazis to power - an attack on the Soviet Union, "correction" of a previous mistake by Western intelligence, who put the Bolsheviks at the head of Russia.
