The market is a controlled dynamic system. - page 225


That's an interesting perspective. Didn't even expect such an extended response.


That's an interesting perspective. Didn't even expect such an extended response.

Incidentally, in this vein of "politics/economics", the common concept of "free market" is completely untenable, and is on the same board as such outright nonsense, or to put it another way, the colourful wrapper hoax called the "efficient market hypothesis".

I totally agree. And in recent years, this deception has spiralled into a spiral that will not be easy to stop. Sad as it may be, we have some serious challenges ahead. The buzz is already building.

I am embarrassed to ask. What about the tractor team? In mothballs, or in operation?


I totally agree. And in recent years, this deception has spiralled into a spiral that will not be easy to stop. Sad as it may be, we have some serious challenges ahead. The buzz is already building.

As for the growing buzz --- I recommend very carefully reading the book "The Wrath of the Orc", dated 2002, and correlating it to the current situation, the current events taking place in the year 2014.

The audiobook is here, there is a print edition as well.

I'm embarrassed to ask. What's up with the tractor brigade? In mothballs, or in operation?

The tractors are working successfully in the fields, fulfilling their tasks, while continuously improving, and are already close to the goal of 100% break-even.


And the rouble is strengthening despite provocations, sanctions, elaborate lies, analysts screaming, etc.


This was the case two months ago (17.03.2014) - the reference point where analysts were gushing about the imminent collapse of the rouble. (Crimea. Threats of US and EU sanctions against Russia).

And this is how it is now (16.05.2014)


However, the analysts about the collapse of the rouble have already calmed down... ;)))


The conventional starting point (17.03.2014) has turned into a pivot point ;)))



However, the analysts about the collapse of the rouble have calmed down already... ;)))

The reference point (17.03.2014) has turned into a pivot point ;)))

Was tracking this moment. I noticed that before they subsided, they first let out a river of bile and only then did they subside. )))

I'll try to ask the right question. )

By 100% breakeven do you mean no losing trades or in the author's opinion, an acceptable deviation of funds from the previous local high ? Or both of them together? ;)


I'll try to ask the right question. )

By 100% breakeven do you mean no losing trades or in the author's opinion, an acceptable deviation of funds from the previous local high ? Or both of them together? ;)

In fact, the task is multidimensional. At the heart of it is the ability of the TS to follow the market unmistakably.
Ehhh, you'll probably never learn how to trade...
Ehhh, you'll probably never learn how to trade...

You'll probably never understand me...