The market is a controlled dynamic system. - page 200

avtomat: it follows that the present is either the current moment or the whole interval of existence. Where is the place of the past in that case?

Time is a measurement that establishes a relation of order on the set of all states of a system, which (relation) reflects the direction of change of entropy of this system.

Our "movement" along the time axis in such a case is nothing more than a realization of the principle of growth of this very entropy, and it is elementary to show that the fact that we "remember" the past and "not remember" the future is a consequence of purely mathematical transmission of information exactly in the direction of entropy gradient, not in the opposite.

Thus, "present" is the current state of the system including all information that is physically "recorded" in it, "past" is those states of the system that could in principle pass to the current state in accordance with the governing equations, "future" is those states into which the system could in principle pass from the current state again in accordance with the governing equations.

By the way, no one has proved that time is not cyclical, some 10^22 year Brahma cycle may well be found))

1) It's murky. Nobody knows anything, but there it is.

2) The only relatively bright spot:

However, back to our troubled times.

3) Explain it to me, silly, with your fingers: How can the past (which does not exist) be the cause of the present (which does exist), and even more so of the future (which does not exist).



1) Try to dig in and everything will fall into place.

2) On the contrary, it is precisely the dark spot of misunderstanding at the present stage of development.

3) Well it is quite simple. Each of us, as a member of the biological world, is subject to metabolic processes. Very roughly, we can say that if we poop in the present(there is only waste), the reason for it is in the past - we have eaten (the food we have eaten is gone), and the same present is the reason why in the future , which has not yet come, we will have to eat again (the food needed is not there yet). ;)))

Forgive me for being too physiological an example.


Well, it's quite simple. Each of us, as a member of the biological world, is subject to metabolic processes. Very roughly we can say that when we poop in the present(there is only waste), it is because we ate in the past (the food we have eaten is gone) and it is because of the present that we will have to eat again in the future which has not yet come (the food we need is not there yet). ;)))

Hm. Approaching physiology, you are on a very slippery slope.

For in the realm of living things, precisely, "causality" gets so intricately looped that all your slender linear causality starts to look extraordinarily silly. Of course, we have seen much sillier things in our fantasy world, various 'ethers' and 'thermoids' still stir the mind in irrepressible surroundings...

Let's cut to the chase, though. You got the real thing? There is. Where is it? In space? Yeah. In real space? Yes.

Can you say the same about the past? Or the future? Where are they?



Can you say the same about the past? Or the future? Where are they?

It's elementary! Where else would they be? Also in space. )))

What the fuck is an "interval of existence"? All the intervals I've ever seen are in space. // on graphs, for example.

// if you're trying to introduce your confusion of maps and territory to me, I warn you right away - no chance. I'm strict about it... :)

In "fantasy", of course. Where else have you seen "past"?

An interval of existence is a time interval having some duration, e.g. from t0 to t9, or from the origin to the current moment. Unlike an interval, it implies that a moment (a blink, a moment) has no duration (a set of measure zero).


But the "fantasy" needs no logic -- here the chain of events, if so desired by the "genius" of the fantasist, may be changed to the opposite "future" -- "present" -- "past". In this case, the apologists for the "genius" will sing the praises of the "genius". It's just that the aims and objectives of "fantasy" are quite different. ;)))


An interval of existence is a time interval having some duration, e.g. from t0 to t9, or from the origin to the current moment. In contrast to an interval, it implies that a moment (a blink, a moment) has no duration (the set measure is zero).

Yeah. You're scaring me. Are you asleep? Wake up.

Your sci-fi spells like what, make your map territorial? ) )

I honestly warned you that I don't intend to confuse map with territory. So, instead of pointing the finger at the subject of discussion, you begin to fit a verbal construction, subtly suggesting that it is "universally accepted" among a crowd of conspiring authorities. As a final argument, I guess you should expect to be roasted at the inquisitorial bonfire....

But a "fantasy" needs no logic -- here the chain of events, if the "genius" of the fantasist so desires, may be changed to the contrary "future" -- "present" -- "past". In this case, the apologists for the "genius" will sing the praises of the "genius". It's just that the aims and objectives of "fantasy" are quite different. ;)))

How are your "scientific truths" inherently different from religious dogma or science fiction? Are they more real? Even if some map is more advantageous than others in some way (like "more accurate"), that in no way makes it territory.

It's crazy...



Yeah. You're scaring me. Are you asleep? Wake up.

Your sci-fi spells like what, make your map territorial? ) )

I honestly warned you that I don't intend to confuse map with territory. So, instead of pointing the finger at the subject of discussion, you begin to fit a verbal construction, subtly suggesting that it is "universally accepted" among a crowd of conspiring authorities. As a final argument, I guess you should expect to be roasted at the inquisitorial bonfire....

How are your "scientific truths" inherently different from religious dogma or science fiction? Are they more real? Even if some map is more advantageous than others (like "more accurate"), that in no way makes it territory.

It's crazy...


I'm not trying to change your mind about anything. I have no desire to continue in your suggested style.

Often that kind of nonsense, coupled with aggression towards people called by no other name than "a bunch of conspiring authorities" can be found on the internet, you can see it on YouTube and so on. Many people just repeat that nonsense without understanding what they are talking about... Is this an attempt at self-assertion...? I've recently observed here statements of "smart people" about what, in their opinion, stupid mathematicians, do not understand anything, and make their calculations unknown how and unknown why. With the implication that these "smart guys" just "know" the essence of things. It didn't even look funny. It was a grotesque.

By the way, none of the criticized "crowd of conspiring authorities" never claimed to find the truth in the last resort .

The "fantasy writers", on the other hand, can afford it.

By the way, no one has proved that time is not cyclic, some 10^22 year Brahma cycle can be found))

Of course, we don't know that. But we do know that the entire world available to us is an open world of nested subordinate systems, at each level of the hierarchy having its own cyclicity.


The unconditional increase in entropy is true for closed, closed systems. This is not true for open systems.

But whether our world as a whole is closed or open is unknown to us.

Meditation against entropy.