The market is a controlled dynamic system. - page 79

Some excerpts from critical statements of prominent applied mathematicians of our time:
- "There is something wrong with statistics" (A.N. Kolmogorov);
- "Statistics is a dangerously paradoxical science (and often a big lie)" (V.I. Arnold);
- "Mathematicians do not believe in probability" (L.S. Pontryagin);
- "I am quite happy to share Pontryagin's point of view and to do mathematics without binding myself to a belief (i.e. an a priori hypothesis) concerning probability" (R.E. Kalman.)

)It is very funny

how can stochastic processes be accurately described mathematically without the use of probability theory?

To clarify - there is no alternative


)very funny

How can stochastic processes be accurately described mathematically without the use of probability theory?

To clarify - there is no alternative

You have no idea how ridiculous your "explanation" is.

You have no idea how ridiculous your "clarification" is.

ok - amaze me!

P.S. and this is written by a man whose first posts introduce the concepts of a stochastic differential equation and a Markov process.... Well, what can I say?


OK - dazzle me!

Well, as usual -- not in word, but in deed ;)))

Have patience.


Well, as usual - not by word but by deed ;)))
see my P.S. at the top.
See my P.S. at the top

Don't lump everything into one pile - that would mess up your head.

You have to understand the difference between "the nature of a phenomenon" and "an instrument for investigating a phenomenon". Do you grasp the difference?

If the dilemma arises as to whether to choose a deterministic or a stochastic mathematical model, the deterministic mathematical model should be preferred
If there is a dilemma: to choose a deterministic or a stochastic mathematical model, the deterministic mathematical model should be preferred

If a model has any stochastic residual, it is a probabilistic model. If there is no stochastic residual - at any step with 100% accuracy the predicted values coincide with the observed values - then such a model is deterministic.

It is impossible to build a financial market model without a stochastic residual


If a model has any stochastic residual, it is a probabilistic model. If there is no stochastic residual - at any step with 100% accuracy the predicted values coincide with the observed values - then it is a deterministic model.

This statement once again demonstrates your lack of understanding not only of the problem in general, but also of modelling technology in particular.

This statement once again demonstrates your lack of understanding not only of the problem in general, but of modelling technology in particular.


OK - amaze me!