[Branch closed!] EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 4) - page 76


Everything depends not on me but on Trichet's performance tomorrow (whether he will dance the "Gypsy" or play the "Funeral March")...

And on these expectations the euro is stagnating...

What time is it?


What time?

13:20 Moscow time.

Last week Fitch Ratings downgraded Greece's credit rating from BB+ to B+, four notches below investment grade.

Morgan Stanley's strategists believe a default or restructuring of Greek debt this year is highly unlikely. Although specialists do not rule out the possibility of Greek debt "repricing" - the new term was first used by the governor of the central bank of Luxembourg Jean-Claude Juncker on May 17 to describe the extension of the term of maturity of bonds in exchange for new measures to reduce the budget deficit - the probability of such an outcome does not seem high to specialists. Credit Suisse is confident that Europe will not allow the Greek debt to be restructured soon, as no one wants a repeat of the events that led to the collapse of Lehman Brothers in 2008.

According to Morgan Stanley, political rather than economic decisions will determine what happens in Greece. Last week German Chancellor Angela Merkel stated that there will be no restructuring of Greek debt. However, it should be noted that European authorities are not yet ready to take any concrete steps.

Analysts are somewhat cautiously optimistic about the Euro. From their point of view the uncertainty level in the financial markets should go down and the Euro may strengthen in the next month. The bank advises investors to be cautious but ready to enter long positions on the euro as the dollar might come under pressure after an unfavorable economic data release in the United States. Economists believe that interest rates in the US can only be expected to rise when either inflation or the country's GDP growth rate shows a solid upturn, which is definitely not going to happen in the near future.

look how much movement there was in 2008 and that's just in one week... is it my dtz or is it true?


So it goes like this!!!!!


look how much movement there was in 2008 and that's just in one week... is it my dtz or is it true?

I think it's more likely your brokerage, Alpari doesn't have such a hairpin.

I remember back in 2003 when I first got acquainted with forex, Alpari had 9 pips on the day of the 9/11 terrorist attack on the Eurobucks. And now it only shows 3 figures. What is the meaning of this?


You may think that your brokerage company has a very good idea to implement this kind of analysis with your own EA.

By the way, I would like to ask, back in 2003 when I first got to know forex Alpari had 9 pips on the day of the 9/11 terrorist attack on the euro. And now it only shows 3 figures. What is the meaning of this?

About a year and a half ago I was testing a couple of my EAs on several brokerage houses at once. And you know, thanks to these experiments you can make very interesting conclusions. Try it and you will find a lot of new things.


About a year and a half ago I was testing a couple of my EAs on several brokerage houses at once. And you know, thanks to these experiments you can make very interesting conclusions. Try it and you will find many new things.

I don't know... If you've tried it, you may have forgotten it, but you don't know how to do it. I've wasted so much nerve....normally, you have to assemble your own from ticks and cut it up...but you need an adequate supplier...

Don't be lazy, take a look at a couple of the manffees, maybe your goals will change.
what to see? (just arrived)

for gold, please throw something to me.........