[Branch closed!] EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 4) - page 16


Wind, cold spray, chilly, runny nose, dead battery in laptop and battery on the engine, and again to go on oars eight miles against the waves, to the shore ...

And you don't want to think, looking up at the polar star in the night sky, about jumping into the cold though southerly water, like an eureka, clinging to the rocks, at a depth of 1.38.

You and Zet are so lucky to have washed the boat from Anapa to Yalta. ))

God, that's so poetic!!! I'm really not into it.
The impression is that the bulls are slowly being strangled....The village option is possible...

Might not make it.

The prize is in the studio!

Waiting for a flip now or 1.42


Waiting for a flip now or 1.42

12:30 British news, we'll see there. Trischka will also chatter something at 17:00.

I'm pipping. If it churns, I'll flip again.


12:30 British news, then we'll see. Trischka will also have some chatter at 17:00.

In the pound, since yesterday, I'm catching the falling knife. Up, of course.

I'm testing a new strategy on micro. I'm catching 10 pips. So I don't have time for cables.


I'm testing a new strategy on micro. I'm catching 10 pips. So I don't have time for cables.

On the cable, the dragon on the o'clock is forming a nice second leg
EUR/USD Gaining momentum! Starting soon! (Probably growth limited (pressure), waiting for Trichet's speech)