end of 2011. - Beginning of the second wave of the crisis - page 62


You draw useless pictures...I only work with real data...which I will provide at the end of the blind test...I told you...

forecasting please !

wait he is looking for your tool...
wait, he's looking for your tool...

hilarious ))) of course...

If the principle would have worked - he would have sat on small TFs ... that was exactly what he was offered a year ago)))

but no ... it's not working ... can't take it from the market... trying to trick suckers into taking dough ))))...

At least we had a laugh...)))


hilarious )))) of course...

If the principle had worked - he would have sat on small TFs ... that was exactly what he was offered a year ago))).

but no ... it's not working ... can't take it from the market... trying to trick suckers into taking dough ))))...

At least they got a laugh ...)))

Read the title of the thread, you must be in the wrong place, there's a separate thread for flud_anaiists, I've lost count which one https://www.mql5.com/ru/forum/135905:)

The double top is inverted. A rise to 1270 is unreasonable in my opinion. It's either down right now. Or up to 1310.

The S&P 500 index has a cluster of strong resistance levels in the price range of 1260-1270 points, I think that this

I.e., according to my calculations, before the further decline to 1000 points, the price is going to go up to 1270.


Read the name of the thread, you must be in the wrong place, there is a separate thread for flud_anaiists, I've lost count which one https://www.mql5.com/ru/forum/135905:)

you're judging people by yourself again ))))...some time ago until you poked the real fundamental index...so the fa had no impact with you....

I've already lost track of which one it is :)))

When I give him real data, he craps his pants on the first forecast :)))

maybe he's out of the hospital too soon ...)) or has he run away on his own?)


For the S&P 500 index, the 1260-1270 points price range is a cluster of strong resistance levels, which I think is

The fall is not yet a downwards reversal, i.e. according to my calculations before a further decline to 1000 points, the price is still going up to 1270.

more... more pictures... nice and different ))))...
NYROBA: Закон который я открыл It gives a full understanding of the mechanisms of the world economy. With the help of this law it is possible to calculate in advance the beginning and the end of any crisis, long before it starts. On the basis of this data, it is possible to simulate the scale and consequences of the devastation after a crisis. Accordingly, a number of appropriate measures can be taken in advance to minimise the negative consequences.

Have you tried applying for the Nobel Prize?

The law, which took me more than 10 years to discover, works!

and you can easily see this in the Russian economy, for example:

Below is the forecast for the RTS Index of 12 August 2009 on the daily time frame and the actual price movement.

p.s. The forecasts I made two years ago for several dozen instruments, including all major global indices, were 98% correct.

From this I conclude that the future trends are predetermined and that no news has any influence on the direction of the trends.

Could you please not turn the forum pages into multi-coloured graffiti on fences? Do the moderators' corrections of your posts mean nothing to you? Don't you draw conclusions? Or are you trying their patience? Or are you being openly disrespectful? Both to the forum and the moderators?

Have you ever tried to apply for the Nobel Prize?

To be honest, I don't have time to deal with the issue.

p.s. But if offered, I won't refuse, I'm not Perelman... :)