end of 2011. - Beginning of the second wave of the crisis - page 33


Schizophrenia (from Greek σχίζω - splitting and φρήν - mind, intellect) previously Latin Dementia praecox: premature dementia is a polymorphic mental disorder or group of mental disorders[1] associated with disintegration of thought processes and emotional reactions[2]. Schizophrenic disorders in general are characterised by fundamental and characteristic disturbances in thinking and perception and inadequate or diminished affect. The most frequent manifestations of the illness are paranoid or fantasy delusions....... The first symptoms usually appear at the beginning of adulthood[3]; overall, studies suggest a risk of 0.4-0.6%[4][5].

A person with schizophrenia may exhibit disorganisation of thinking and speech, and may have unusual or delusional ideas.

"sounding of one's own thoughts": the feeling that the content of one's thoughts is becoming accessible to others;

Schizophrenia symptoms are often divided into positive (productive) and negative (deficit).(19) Positive symptoms include delirium, thought disorders, all of which are usually indicative of the presence of psychosis.

According to the ICD-10, at least one of the following must be present:

  • Echoes of thoughts (sounding of own thoughts), insertion or withdrawal of thoughts, openness of thoughts to others.
  • Persistent delusions that are culturally inadequate, ridiculous, impossible and/or grandiose in content.
  • Persistent hallucinations of any sphere, accompanied by labile or incompletely formed delusions, but without pronounced affect; or persistent, obsessive-compulsive superconscious ideas.
  • Neologisms, spurts, discontinuity of speech
NYROBA: Yes, I'm not denying it, after I tripled the deposit, I lost a PAMM account, those who don't trade don't lose.

There's just one thing.

You lost in real life, you tripled in the pictures.


Yeah, I'm not denying it, after I tripled my depo, I lost a PAMM account; you don't lose if you don't trade.

Bears, all your trades are only profitable - I'm sure of it! ;о)

Don't worry about me. I work as a janitor. I earn my bread with my broom.

So I do not understand, you draw, draw, draw, draw, draw, draw, draw, then you open PAMM and bang, you lose. Then you opened PAMM again, and bam, you blew it again.

Now we draw again? Yes ?

Well well, you can just show us the links to the grateful clients. By the way, where are they? You probably forgot to attach them to the message.


He's disappeared. He's probably calling the banks. It can take a while, of course. It takes a while to get through, to listen to the thanks, to explain what you need. It's not five minutes. You just have to wait.

He's disappeared. He's probably calling the banks. It can take a while, of course. It takes a while to get through, to listen to the thanks, to explain what you need. It's not five minutes. You just have to wait.
it's my day off :)
it's his day off :)

It's not like he's calling the office. He will call the management of grateful banks and investors on his mobile phone, given their close and trusting relationship.

We'll wait. We know.


how to insert
Thank you

Maybe things are going according to this plan: http: //video.google.com/videoplay?docid=3302321075982264304# not all events are random