end of 2011. - Beginning of the second wave of the crisis - page 21


Actually, before you correct someone, it would be a good idea to get to the bottom of it. So, the original spelling of the surname is "Robert R. Prechter", which in turn allows at least two variants of spelling and transcription in Russian: Prechter and Prekter (and Prechter).

But the word SEBESTIMATE is purely Russian and the 4th letter in it is "e", not "i" in the quote below:

By the way, this delusional example illustrates a complete misunderstanding of a simple economic term, the name of which you misspelled. Let's break it down after all:

Cars in a car dealership are NOT sold at cost price. At cost price they will not (with rare exceptions) sell even the manufacturer because he needs the profit for which he actually works. So the manufacturer's selling price = cost + profit. Retail price in the showroom = selling price of the manufacturer + costs (delivery, storage, etc.) + profit (or trade markup) showroom. I strongly recommend to study the concept of the term COST at least on wikipedia. After that you should understand that oil will not be sold cheaper than prime cost, which currently ranges from 30 to 50 dollars per barrel, depending on depth and type of deposit. They will simply stop pumping it although it is absurd as well since oil is and will be purchased not only as fuel but also for the needs of chemical industry. Even if alternative sources of energy/fuels are found/introduced, oil price will not drop below its production cost, it will simply be produced in smaller quantities. The volume of oil production is dependent on its needs, these are AZs.

You are like a schoolboy answering a class (who has memorised the material by heart), but has no intention of becoming an economist...
You are not going to become an oil producer, are you? - and you can so easily manage the calculation of the cost of oil production...?
And if you were an oil producer (let's imagine), based on your knowledge of economics (I mean the cost), what would you do with the cost of a barrel of oil produced - would you underestimate or overestimate (relative to actual costs)???
Why do the Russian leaders hand over the exploration of natural resources of the Far East to the Chinese??? - They are willing to invest in exploration and drilling, while ours (this is the post-Soviet mentality) are used to only pumping from what someone has already explored and drilled!!!
And how much is the cost of the pumping process itself in this case???
P.S. I am not defending your opponent - I am providing counterarguments to your arguments.

NYROBA, you pervert, There are no Fibo levels, there are Fibo lines, and they have a very different task, just so you understand, although, you should know, as a master of Wave Analysis. You are a master of VA, aren't you? So, back in the day, investors had the need to measure the market movements. It was not convenient to measure in pips, and mathematicians suggested using Fibo lines. The masters of VA liked this idea, and introduced it into the Wave Analysis. What does it mean? As an example. Expect to form an A-B-C zig-zag. A-B zig-zag is formed, I set Fibo lines on them. What for? To know where a possible point, the end of the wave pattern is, namely C-waves. Wave Analysis explains that in a zig-zag C-wave or less than the B-wave (truncation) or tends to equality with the A-wave and the Fibo lines show at what point this equality will be reached. That's all. You, on the other hand, draw a log on the chart and say that we go to 0, 62% Fibo level. Why, exactly there, what's so special about it....))))?

yes yes, i'm listening to you oh-so-very carefully, can i have some more of your knowledge, more details please, you just have a gift to lecture, don't bury it in the ground! :)))
What I will be forced to do when demand falls is another question. But it is a fact that if I produce a product for $40, I will not sell it for $10. It is easier to shut down production and live off the money I have accumulated )))).
You exaggerate the situation, because never (we can assume from your presence here) did not own a large production (I do too), but if (let's assume) you were the owner, for example, a shoe giant, and the cost of a pair of shoes (and it largely depends on the price of raw materials and mass production in the price dissolves design frills) you come out say $ 10, you have over the years with success sold at $ 20, then if in the short term from you more than $ 9 pair will not buy - you CLOSE???
I would, in this case, having a safety cushion accumulated over the previous years, would work at a loss, so as not to lose business, and after a while the market will "settle", because without shoes people will not do ...
It is still possible to imagine and understand it, but then how it (the price of the dollar against the euro) will come to parity with it (judging by your graphs) - it just does not occur to me...

The Spanish economy will collapse by a factor of at least 4-5!

The economies of Portugal and Greece will collapse by at least 5-6 times!

I have looked in detail at the economic structure of all troubled countries in the Eurozone. It will probably be interesting news for many people that the indexes of the troubled countries

Eurozone indexes include even the car parks, as in Greece and Spain there are neither natural resources, nor any serious production.

These countries borrow many billions of euros from Germany, Switzerland and other countries, at an interest rate.

p.s. No, of course you can raise parking fees..... :)))))

You exaggerate the situation, as you have never (we can assume from your presence here) owned a large production facility (neither have I), but if (let's assume) you were the owner of a shoe giant, for example, and the cost of a pair of shoes (and it largely depends on the price of raw materials and mass production in the price dissolves design frills) you come out say $ 10, you have over the years with success sold at $ 20, then if in the short term from you more than $ 9 pair will not buy - you CLOSE???
I would, in such a case, having a safety cushion accumulated over the previous years, would work at a loss, so as not to lose business, and after a while the market will "settle", because without shoes people will not do ...

Most of our oil companies not only do not have this cushion (with the exception of Surgutneftegaz) but also have a serious debt burden. That is why they will be able to work at a loss as long as the creditors will allow it or the state will buy their debts. In general, margin call is possible in real sectors as well

Yes, yes, I'm listening to you very, very carefully, can I have some more of your knowledge, more details please, you have a gift for lecturing, don't bury it in the ground! :)))

Noooo...)))), I have no right, I'm still a student of VA. I don't have, the first, "golden" kilometre, the RIGHT wave marking....)))), I have to move 30cm. a day.....))). Wait 2-3 years, or 5 packs of "Snowflake" printer paper ....))))
You are exaggerating the situation as you have never (we can assume from your presence here) owned a large production facility (neither have I), but if (let's assume) you were the owner of a shoe giant, for example, and the cost of a pair of shoes (and it largely depends on the price of raw materials and mass production in the price dissolves design frills) you come out say $ 10, you have over the years with success sold at $ 20, then if in the short term from you more than $ 9 pair will not buy - you CLOSE???
I would, in such a case, having a safety cushion accumulated over the previous years, would have worked at a loss, so as not to lose business, and after a while the market will "settle down", because without the shoes people will not do ...

I remind you that originally, the point was that, theoretically, oil could not fall below its cost of production. There were no conditions in the original data of what I would do if I owned, for example, a shoe giant. That's a topic for another discussion....

Oil and shoes are different things, agree. Not ready to talk about oil, implying shoes ))))

As it is, we have already gotten so deep into the derbies that it is impossible to have a discussion within the forum - the conversation resembles "what would have been if it had been". It's hard to have a debate in that vein, as you assume one thing, I assume another, and niroba another. Fantasy knows no bounds....)))


Spain's economy will collapse at least four or five times!

The economies of Portugal and Greece will collapse by at least 5-6 times!

I have looked in detail at the economic structure of all the troubled Eurozone countries. This will probably be interesting news for many people

I'm getting hiccups already. Alexei, where can I look at the actual results of your forecasting activities?

So to speak about the actual implementation in life, in practice, of your words.

Maybe some bank left words of gratitude on its pages after cooperating with you or something else?

And any advice for hiccups?


I'm getting hiccups already. Alexei, where can I see the actual results of your forecasting activities?

The real implementation of your words, in practice, so to speak.

Maybe some bank left words of gratitude on its pages after cooperating with you or something else?

And for hiccups, any advice?

Go to my personal account, you can look on the forum.

The Spanish economy would collapse at least 4-5 times!

The economies of Portugal and Greece will collapse by at least 5-6 times!

I have looked in detail at the economic structure of all troubled countries in the Eurozone. It will probably be interesting news for many people that the indexes of the troubled countries

Eurozone indexes include even the car parks, as in Greece and Spain there are neither natural resources, nor any serious production.

These countries borrow many billions of euros from Germany, Switzerland and other countries, at an interest rate.

p.s. No, of course you can raise parking fees..... :)))))

technical analysis does not predict future movements at all, much less in an updated fashion. It allows you to buy cheaper on average and sell at a higher price. And you predict the future from charts - shamanism)))