end of 2011. - Beginning of the second wave of the crisis - page 20

You're getting senile, listen and hear.

Actually not Prechter as you called him, his surname is Prekter.

Before the works of Maîtres of VA were translated into Russian, people were already interested in the wave, and among them, it was customary to use Prechter or Prechter. Those who knew the phonetics of the language realized that the surname Prechter has German roots, and the "s h", reads as "X", i.e. PRECHTER. About the correct pronunciation of the surname, it is better to ask Mathematician, he did a translation into Russian of the entire Volton'scollection , for which he, thanks a lot to humans, and covered the question. I, on the other hand, Prechter, I'm used to it, you know.....))))


Thank you.

Oil coming out of the well or out of the oil storage tank only increases in value. No one will carry it for free or pay extra to transport it.
Moreover, it is easier for the producer to stop producing if the producer will pay extra to sell it.
In general, your comparison is flawed. If a car has a production cost of 60,000, no one will sell it for 50,000. There are no crazy people. Except for some individuals....)))

It's probably worth mentioning that if demand for your product drops, you will be forced to reduce the cost of production...

There are three books worth reading, i.e. anyone who wants to master Wave Theory,

should study them in that order, from the simple to the complex.

1) R. Prekter, A. J. Frost "Elliott Wave Principle".

2) Robert Fisher "New methods of Fibonacci trading".

3) Glen Neely "Mastering Elliott Wave Analysis"

Your library of Wave Analysis is very poor. If you are serious about the wave, expand it, your library, these works, to understand the wave, very, very little......)))))


never say never, we'll see.
The current Euro quote is 1.42, many do not believe that the Euro will rise to 1.52 in the near future, and will be at 1.72 by the fall of 2011...

It's still possible to imagine and understand, but then how it (the price of the dollar against the euro) will come to parity with it (judging by your graphs) - well, this does not fit into my head ...
TarasBY: It is probably worth mentioning that if demand for your product drops, you will be forced to lower your costs...
What I will be forced to do when demand falls is another matter. But the fact that I produce a product for $40, I won't sell it for $10 is a fact. It is easier to shut down production and live off the money I have accumulated )))).

Your library on Wave Analysis is very poor. If you are serious about wave, expand it, your library, these works, to understand the wave, are very, very few......)))))

In our business, quality is more important than quantity! Neely's method is enough to understand what will happen in all financial markets in the coming decades ...
It is possible to imagine and understand that, but then how it (the price of the dollar against the euro) will come to parity with it (judging by your graphs) - I just can't get my head around it...

One thing that is confusing is the fact that in terms of p.p. The EUR/USD resistance level of 161.8% in the daily time frame coincides with the psychological level of 1.55, this area is highlighted by the purple fill.
If the move is swift, i.e. if the EUR rises almost squarely, 1.52 may be broken through and will move towards 1.55.
p.s. About the 1:1 parity in p.p. EUR/USD the reason here is obvious - the troubled Eurozone countries will go steamroller and
dragging the economies of Germany, France, UK , etc.down with them....
Theeconomies of Germany and Switzerland will suffer the most becausethey finance the troubled countries the most .))

Uh-oh, the volumes on the longs are going up, which means that the Euro might go to the 61.8% resistance at 1.46, which is highlighted by the green fill.

NYROBA, you pervert, There are no Fibo levels, there are Fibo lines, and they have a completely different task, so you understand, although, you should know, as a master of wave analysis. You are a master of VA, aren't you? So, back in the day, investors had the need to measure the market movements. It was not convenient to measure in pips, and mathematicians suggested using Fibo lines. The masters of VA liked this idea, and introduced it into the Wave Analysis. What does it mean? As an example. Expect to form an A-B-C zig-zag. A-B zig-zag is formed, I set Fibo lines on them. What for? To know where a possible point, the end of the wave pattern is, namely C-wave. Wave Analysis explains that in a zig-zag C-wave or less than the B-wave (truncation) or tends to equality with the A-wave and the Fibo lines show at what point this equality will be reached. That's all. You, on the other hand, draw a log on the chart and say that we go to 0, 62% Fibo level. Why, exactly there, what's so special about it....))))?