Gunn, astromechanics. Forecasts, discussion - page 38


********* are gann squared levels - and the levels themselves have been known since before forex -

Ololo, you're not in the loop and you don't understand anything from this thread

Mixon777, since you are good at the Gann squared and you know the theory of price and time, then explain what happens on this borderline 2011.07.01
After the huge drawdown, the price returned to the entry point - amazing! ) levels are sacred
After the huge drawdown price returned to the entry point - amazing! ) Levels are sacred

There was no drawdown )))) If you are confident in your signals, you should be trading on the pullbacks, rather than clamouring in all the threads ))))


******* these are gann squared levels - and the levels themselves have been known since before forex -

Ololo ! you are still off the subject and have not understood a thing from this thread

Mixon, I may criticize you, but I have never insulted you. I criticize you because I want you to be a real trader, so that we could enjoy your rare postings 10 years from now. I don't want you to hide from investors because of lost deposits. You have ambitions, but you lack certain qualities.

Now on the subject, the meaning of the post was that the way you use them - they are probably not better or worse than any other levels. Today they work from 90 to 90 and tomorrow they will work from 115 to 35.


Mixon, I criticize you, but I have never insulted you. I want you to become a real trader and I hope you will please us here in 10 years with your rare posts. I don't want you to hide from investors because of lost deposits. You have ambitions, but you lack certain qualities.

Now on the subject, the meaning of the post was that the way you use them - they are probably not better or worse than any other levels. Today they work from 90 to 90 and tomorrow they will work from 115 to 35.

The author is baffled by the questions, preparing the answers... well, let's go... we'll read the answers tomorrow :))

Research on random numbers on a prediction method ! I may have shown it here but I don't remember -

The next purpose of the study is


- You have to believe in something, don't you? - asked the stoner, chasing away the appearing veil-morgan...

- Don't," reacted the glitch (No - widget!!!)) Petya, - it's easier to sleep...


Have you tried glycine - it's all natural, if you're wary...

The further into the woods the worse it gets. Does anyone know what square 9 is? I can't understand it on all the forums, I have the feeling that people with a humanities education are doing it.....

Research on random numbers on a prediction method ! I may have shown it here but I don't remember -

The next purpose of the study is

On what basis did W.D. Gunn develop his methods?

Here's a square look, if I understand it correctly it's a circular cycle.