Trade from 25 pips per day on signals - page 25

Here we are today, worked up a,,pie :))),),

a little cold but very tasty)))))

Laboda's template, put it on a new DC. his forecasts are working well.


Look what I found at home


Look what I found at home

Looks like they were printed in China.

it looks like they were printed in China.

The quid were going to go away, and look what's there


The quid were going to go away, and look what's out there

what's what, Gold. Vitaly, don't go poking around my cellar. You'd better show me your "Casket" ::)))))

Laboda's template, put it on a new DC. his forecasts are working well.

Can you run after the op already? Vitaly, I picked up a strategy this weekend, great. Come see me tomorrow, we'll figure out what else to add to it. Sergei sends his regards.


boring, where's Mixon

Will there be a signal on the Euro today ?

Thank you.