Trade from 25 pips per day on signals - page 15


μ: "Пару штук" ни при каком раскладе не являются представительной статистикой.

TimurTimur: Agreed, but I think it's a good start.....

Great, looking forward to the table!

Mathemat, can you please send me the table, I can't find it. If possible, preferably in excel and in person.

I lost on my signals)))

About the stats I already wrote the post above.

In case you haven't noticed, my post is still above and when I wrote it I didn't see what the next one would be.

" It's "their" choice whether it's convenient or not, whether they want to search the pages or not, and in general it's simple, not convenient, do not trust the author, or something else does not suit - do not trade on them!"

This started Fartovy, and even complained that his signals nobody trusts, it was and his slogan was to help young people earn. They say that if they do not trust them, they do not trust them at all.

If he has taken on all of this, let it all be accessible to the senses, not as it is now - what, where and where.


There is nothing formally forbidden, but nothing useful either.

I'm only suggesting to clarify the situation. Reading the thread does not provide a clear picture.

Your free signals are of zero value - as long as there is no clear picture of their performance. Perhaps by systematising the signals, you will clarify something for yourself. And you will stop misleading others at the same time.

What strategies are you showing to young traders? And why, sorry, the fuck are you giving "segnals" if "there's no profit in forecasts"?

Here - - the topicstarter(Prizmal) posted his signals, free, by the way. Creation of the table helped him and others to see what his signals are worth. Now the thread has sunk into oblivion, because nobody is interested in it: the signals turned out to be not as profitable as he had promised.

There is also a large well-known branch of Yusuf. There too had to warn the topicstarter to stop spamming (before that he posted a bunch of pictures without explanations). It worked.

There are other examples when I had to almost forcefully discipline the topicstarter. In the vast majority of cases it worked.

The signals are visible to everyone. And they are of great importance to those who use them. As they do not drain the deposit, they increase it. Daney signals for 2 days brought a profit of 160 pips. And many people use them, you can check on vetkak or in my personal page. I have no claims from those who use the signals, as the signals are profitable and brought more than 1000 pips for the month of April. The only signal that did not work out was USD-USD, so it closed at SL -50 pips. But you wrote your free signals are of zero value - as long as there is no clear picture of their performance.

I think the reason for this lies elsewhere, unconnected to the signals.

Fartowiy, your time for bickering is over. TimurTimur has started to create a table.

Temnyj, on the first page of this thread you have a picture of the form of the table that sergeev suggested. Could you please find the link to where this table is now?


In case you haven't noticed, my post is still above and when I wrote it, I didn't see what the next one would be.

" It's already "their" choice whether they're comfortable or not, whether they want to search them through the pages or not, and in general it's simple, not comfortable, don't trust the author, or whatever else you're not happy with - don't trade on them!"

This started Fartovy, and even complained that his signals nobody trusts, it was and his slogan was to help young people earn. They say that if they do not trust them, they do not trust them at all.

If he has taken on all of this, then let it all be accessible to the senses, not as it is now - what, where and where.

Temnyj, give me at least one example of my signals. Since the time I started posting them on the forum from 21.03.2011 to the present day, and explain your bullshit to my address, If you're a Commissioner, be so kind as to write out my signals, put them in the table and post them.
Fartowiy: Do me a favor and write down my signals, put them in the table and post them.

I think I have a copy of a character who has become famous here: "I don't know myself, because I'm too lazy to learn, and my head is in total chaos. Let others do it, and I'll manage".

Fartowiy, this is your last warning. One more outburst and you're going to the bathhouse.

Temnyj, give me one example of the signals I've given. Since the time I started posting them on the forum from 03/21/2011 to present day, and explain your bullshit addressed to me, If you are our Commissioner, be so kind as to write out my signals, put them in the Table and post.

First, learn to spell correctly, Teutonic knight )))) or set up spell check in your browser (if you don't know how, google helps) is one.

Two: I do not understand the first sentence - give examples of your signals? Yes?

Three: I do not need to justify anything to you, you will understand why? ))))

Four: why would I want to write out your signals? А? Your signals or are you only good at shouting - tomorrow south, tomorrow north. )))))

And you, kid, learn to speak politely.

Bureaucracy's motto,, "Without paper we are .........", you remind me of a hornets' nest that can't get enough. I get the impression you guys like to sneak around and you have dumped a few deposits. I hear you. I'm the only one who listens to traders' advice and does not look for flaws in them. And you do not want to change your tactics in trading, maybe in life as well. The hell with you. I am a retired man and do not want to teach you youngsters. My father scolds his son not for playing, but for winning,
If a person decides to share signals with young people and helps them understand forex, then it is wrong...? Do you think that all young people should drain their deposits in favour of a brokerage company? And you want to shut him up? FUCK YOU!!!!! The farthing system is working and making profits. And your charts with probable price movements can be shoved up your ass. Darkie !!! Try and tell me I'm illiterate in my writing. Fucking literary man. Been watching you guys for a long time. I'm sick of it... It's blown up...