America's default, in Russian. - page 8


"Death is the most interesting thing that can happen in life..." BG

Maybe the Japs will take a long time to sort out their poisoning. They will sort it out. But if such a thing were to happen here, it is scary to think about it. However, it would only be doom and gloom...))

Didn't it happen in Chernobyl?

ZS: Don't say "gop" until you've jumped over.

ZSU: I was invited to the "anniversary of Jesus' death" today, I didn't go).


Yes, I saw it, Yura. Still, I feel kind of bad: on the one hand, the Japanese officialdom (and most of our nuclear workers) trumpet that nothing as bad as Chernobyl is going to happen.

On the other hand, there is a level 7, Chernobyl. And the fuel cooling/insulation problems are not solved.

How long did it take our people to solve these problems? And how much time and effort will the Japanese have to do the same? They practically have not done anything yet...

At Chernobyl, there was basically nothing to deal with, because there was a fire and explosion that completely destroyed the reactor and the molten core mass leaked into the sub-reactor rooms. The whole thing was then rolled up in a concrete sarcophagus until 2056.

As for Fukushima-1, the situation is not clear at all. Why aren't robots being used, for example? Why did they flood the cooling system with sea water for so long? Because the water evaporates and the salt, or rather what is left of the salt after exposure to high temperatures, is already thermal insulation and clogs the cooling systems. Not to mention that salt water releases hydrogen chloride during electrolysis, which can explode even when exposed to light. Anyway, TEPKO is not telling the truth and is cheating on something. I`ve even heard somewhere that they`ve been producing weapons-grade plutonium at Fukushima-1 and there`s a warehouse at the plant. That's why so many seemingly "inadequate" actions are taking place during the clean-up, when in fact it's much more serious than that. If this is indeed the case, the results can only be the worst. Plutonium 239Pu is no longer nuclear fuel. You can't leave it without forced cooling and you can't roll it in a concrete sarcophagus.

In short, who the hell knows? The case is dark. If it does not blow up, hardly anyone will say for sure. And if it blows up, it will be clear that it obviously was not the reactor, because there is nothing in the reactor to blow up but gas.

See Fukushima: confusion or secret bomb work?

Quote: "- According to Rosatom, more than 11,000 tonnes of radioactive waste has accumulated at Fukushima. This means that from the very beginning of the plant's operation, in order to save 50 billion euros, no waste has been reprocessed at all, even though such reprocessing is a strict rule under international norms. It can also be assumed that some of this waste is used to produce material for nuclear weapons.

From the editorial: The latter thesis is supported by a piece appearing in the US media by Yochi Shimatsu, former editor of Japan Times Weekly, who writes that "confusing and often contradictory reports from Japan regarding Fukushima cannot be solely the result of disruption caused by the tsunami, dithering or misunderstanding." Citing a number of factors - the fact that Fukushima Unit 4 was missing from documentation as a power generating unit, and the undetected source of an underground leak of radioactive water, the activity of emergency processes at Reactor 4, Shimatsu leads the reader to believe that there may have been a secret nuclear weapons laboratory at the plant."


Didn't it happen in Chernobyl?

ZS: Don't say "goop" before you jump.

SZU: I was invited to the "anniversary of Jesus Christ's death" today, but I didn't go.)

When I do, you won't be able to read me here. But I've been "out there" for a while. // I had my teeth treated - that's OK, isn't it? The doctor almost died of fright himself...))
When I jump over, you won't be able to read me here. But I've been "there" for a while. // I had my teeth treated - that's all right, isn't it? The doctor almost died of fright himself...)))

It comes out halfway there already. )))

We can all see it, but you can't read it. ))

So what's the deal with America? Or more likely Japan. ))
So what's the deal with America? Or more likely Japan. ))
Where it goes first is more likely. Prediction is a thankless task.
So what's the deal with America? Or more likely Japan. ))

Fuck America, Japan is more important now...

So how much is pacific herring out there now??? How much is the fish ?????


We'd better not have a collapse. There are prerequisites...

I'm no Vanga, but I'm no stranger to glitches. Copper rider in a lead waistcoat. That's the vision...))


We'd better not have a collapse. There are preconditions...

I'm certainly no Wanga, but I'm no stranger to glitches either. Copper rider in a lead waistcoat. Such a vision...))

If it goes off, it won't just be here, it'll be all over the planet.

so let's hang in there...

ZS: Radioactive herring under a fur coat, a new recipe, will soon arrive in restaurants around the world ;)

nothing funny, just sad.

There is no need to be afraid of radioactivity. When combined with fasting, it is good for your health. It increases life expectancy by a factor of three.