Wave analysis fan club - page 27

a finite diagonal triangle has no impulse structure in the driving waves i.e. the structure is !

That's it? Me, expand your knowledge.....))))))

- A diagonal triangle is always consists of five basic waves.

- The end of wave 2 never goes beyond the beginning of wave 1 .

- 3rd wave always extends beyond the top of 1st wave.

- the end of wave 4 tends to go over the top of wave 1 , but never over the beginning of wave 3 .

- Wave 3 is never the shortest of all the active diagonal triangle waves.

- None of the major active diagonal triangle waves can be an impulse, a wedge, or a diagonal


- Major waves are marked by numbers only.

-Sometimes wave 5 is shorter than wave 4 and does not go over the top of wave 3 (truncation).

- all waves tend to be zigzags or derivatives thereof.

- Wave 2 tends to form a correction with a depth of 62% to 78%.

- 4th wave tends to form a correction which is 50% to 62% deep.

- in a converging diagonal triangle, wave 1 tends to form the longest and wave 5 the shortest.

- a diverging diagonal triangle, wave 1 tends to form the shortest while wave 3 or 5 tend to be the longest.

- In a converging diagonal triangle the 5th wave tends to end near or break through the line of formation.

- In a diverging diagonal triangle, the 5th wave usually ends without reaching the forming line.

- A diagonal triangle may not be the final major wave in a diagonal triangle of an older TF, but it

diagonal triangle may be the final C wave in an A-B-C zigzag ending such a diagonal triangle.

- A diagonal triangle may only be the last major wave in an impulse, a zigzag, or a wave plane

(presumably also in a wedge).

- Once a diagonal triangle ends, either a correction or a new trend in the opposite direction always begins

which tend to reach the beginning of this pattern.

- Waves 1, 3 and 5 of a diagonal triangle are valid and indicate the direction of the completing trend, as

diagonal triangle itself.

-The wave formula for a diagonal triangle is3-3-3-3-3.

P.S. I know a lot more about this "Beast" than I wrote...))))

yes but you have a screenshot above where it says CTD and waves driving impulses....
yes but you have a screenshot there above where it says CTD and waves driving impulses....

Show yours and mine need not be discussed, nor will I discuss yours. Your remarks about my screenshot, I will not comment, as, on my part, it would not be correct, and you will not understand, if you have a sound "....a waves moving impulses.... "
I just do not understand how you got the initial diagonal triangle (which differs from the final one in that the driving wave 1 3 5 Five) at the end of the pattern, because such figures appear on siatistics only in waves A or F ! Or I do not understand something !

Hi! Short term markup:

Presumably the first in the fifth senior level has been drawn, waiting for the 3rd :)


Hi, maybe so (I don't understand your wave B) ;)


Hi, maybe so (I don't understand your wave B) ;)

I roughly sketched it out...

Hi Misha!

What does the VA show, in the short term?

As an option on H1 fifth wave as a final expanding triangle with a target of 1.4666