[Archive! - page 9


There's no HOWEVER.

What do you mean there's no watcher? In the same game, I'm the Watcher! I want to make the main character jump off a skyscraper or... ...or set off a couple of nuclear explosions, and the characters will never know the cause of their misfortune :)))

And you think there's no one to watch us? Oh, come on... even if you're a complete atheist (which I think I am) you'd think there's a reason for it. Let there be light! And there is light! Or do you also deny the scientific theories of the super explosion? We do not understand who or what "made" the superexplosion, just like we do not understand why video game characters turn on and then bam... end of the world ;)


Who is this one - is it me? )))

A brainwatcher? )))


The thing about the mind is that there is something that evaluates. I don't know what it is. But it is there. // Shit! Who's going to evaluate my walk?!

Trying to create an AI is futile because there is nothing that can be "over". Being "inquiring" is a prerequisite Otherwise, what is intelligence??? )))))))

This, I think, is mapped out in the bylaws - the fallen angel is Satan...

After all, the essence of this angel is to be a creator apart from G-d. So he's still having fun...

it's no longer a smoker's lounge, but a hookah lounge named after the state drug control agency...
this is no longer a smoking room, but a hookah lounge named after the state drug control agency...



Who is this one - is it me? )))

A brainwatcher? )))

I was just talking about video games... figuratively... ...but it's a topic that's been "fed" into my ears in previous posts )))).


Well, when the power was cut off at the game - did they (the characters) die? )))

Anyway, it's interesting this way... To see how humanity's consciousness has changed over the millennia. Try telling first century man that the earth is round and not the centre of everything. Or to the man 500 years ago that there will be miracle light bulbs that will glow with thousands of lights and there will be no need to build fires. Or to his grandmother in his early years, that there will be televisions, or to his parents in his years at school about mobile phones or even to himself, still a schoolboy about the internet, webcams, Skype... The first thing they would all say is "it can't be". And notice that all these changes happen more and more often over time, almost exponentially...

And what would a man from the future tell us, say from the year 2100???

In the last 15 years we have explored space, for example, better than our predecessors in the history of thousands of years! So, do we stop there? I don't think so... I think we're just at the beginning of our journey.


... I think we're just at the beginning of our journey.

yeah... what if the misfortune on 'Bad Luck Island' is the very beginning (end) of the journey? it would be a shame.


What do you mean?
what do you mean?

Well... I mean...

Do you have another option? Like, just a smoke! ))))))))))))))

there you go... what if the misfortune on "The Island of Bad Luck" is the very beginning (the end) of the journey? it would be a shame.

By the way, so common on the internet "predictions" of Vanga, probably everyone has read, so I do not perceive it as a prediction, but read with pleasure, the one who came up with it, most likely a fiction writer, but how "beautifully" it is made up... just exponentially... I would even add this "amazing" story, a real one, like from 1000 AD, and then there is nothing to be surprised about and everything is perceived as plausible.