[Archive! - page 632


Russia is different for each of us. And each of us was born in his or her own Russia.

Russia is big and we are like children in it. Everyone pulls the blanket in their own direction. There is Vologda (it's not a city, it's a whole region). There is Kostroma, there is Yaroslavl. It's all central Russia. But I don't think that the Urals, Siberia or the Far East couldn't find better examples.

But this says that everyone's homeland is different, but we make it into one STATE. It does not matter where you were born. It is where you grew up that matters. And we grew up in Russia.

A question for the audience: what is the difference between homeland and state?

I've been in the "smoking room"...

Forgotten the turbulent times of Boris Nikolayevich... Tax collections, the federal budget, non-payment of wages, a country falling apart, the war in Chechnya, running the country without coming out of unconsciousness, the orchestra, "doodling on the plane", the Kashpirovs - Chumakovs, Tibetans, MMM-ms, etc... And just imagine if he were president now... Pu_ would then be prayed to like the icon of Saint Matrona.

On the other hand, I think Pu_ should say goodbye to Med_ once and for all. He has shown his results. Probably the biggest one being the renaming of the militia to the police. He wasn't smart enough to do more than that. He's better off with gas than running the government.

Strange, I wasn't there and you don't remember. Everything is relative... / IMHO.


I've been in the "smoking room"...

What do you mean, you read the whole thing?
You're good...

I've been in the "smoking room"...

Forgotten the turbulent times of Boris Nikolayevich... Tax collections, the federal budget, non-payment of wages, a country falling apart, the war in Chechnya, running the country without coming out of unconsciousness, the orchestra, "doodling on the plane", the Kashpirovs - Chumakovs, Tibetans, MMM-ms, etc... And just imagine if he were president now... Pu_ would then be prayed to like the icon of Saint Matrona.

On the other hand, I think Pu_ should say goodbye to Med_ once and for all. He has shown his results. Probably the biggest one being the renaming of the militia to the police. He wasn't smart enough to do more than that. He's better off with gas than running the government.

Strange, I wasn't there and you don't remember. Everything is relative... / IMHO.

I don't understand what Boris Nikolayevich has to do with this, does he take part in the elections too? I see people have been brainwashed by the zombie channel. Putin is the one and only savior and hope for a brighter future, wake up, comrade, you have been ... ... fooled again.

Forgotten were the dashing days of Boris Nikolayevich... Tax collections, the federal budget, unpaid salaries, a country falling apart, the war in Chechnya, running the country without coming out of unconsciousness, the orchestra, "doodling on the plane", the Kashpirovs - Chumakovs, Tibetans, MMM-ms, etc. And just imagine if he were president now... Pu_ would be prayed to then, like the icon of Saint Matrona.

Not forgotten. Pu_ was a boon for Russia in his time. After B.N.E., the perpetually drunken old maniac, it wasn't hard. I, too, was at one time an ardent supporter and follower of Pu_. But all in good time. Do the job, get off the body. He has brought order to the country after the turbulent 90s, and he has fed the country with petrodollars. And for that we are ready to say thank you. And what next?

I was listening to another one of his speeches, I don't remember exactly, but it went something like this: "Russia is in 120th place in terms of investment attractiveness, something has to be done about it. Who is responsible for the 120th place? Who has been in power for almost a decade and a half in one way or another? What has been really done in the country apart from squandered and stolen money from the sale of resources? Nothing... There is no real economy, no real sector of the economy. There are hucksters and speculators everywhere you look, and we are the same. But there are nano-car washes everywhere, and other nano-food stuff... And Skolkovo (Potemkin) villages, painting "snow with white paint" and patching holes in the asphalt in places for the visit of the head. Show-offs, stealing and laundering money all around - it is sickening to watch and hear.

Pu_'s fight against corruption is a separate topic. I also came across a post on Twitter (you should read it if you have not, it is a fun read, but the conclusions are not reassuring, really). Corruption is now worse than the eternal fools and roads, the main brake on the country's development.

In general, such stability in the "area of 120" seats, I am willing to take the risk.


On the other hand, I think Pu_ should say goodbye to Med_ once and for all. He has shown his results. Probably the biggest of them all is the renaming of the police to the police. He wasn't smart enough to do more than that. He'd rather have gas than run a government.

That's right. The assertion of some narrow-minded minds, both in our country and in the West, that "Med_ is a democrat and Pu_ is authoritarian" is fundamentally wrong. It's exactly the opposite, and I don't see how anyone can ignore it.

Hell's Inferno

)) I just don't get it - is this a harsh banter or is the singer seriously ***, *****, ****, and ***** ****eny?

But, you can put it on your ringtone)))


)) I just don't get it - is this a hardcore banter or is the singer seriously ***, *****, ****, and ***** ****eny?

I take it seriously) I wonder if it was a gift from Emomali Rahmon or an order from the presidential candidate's headquarters based on the percentage of russified migrant workers from Tajikistan in Russia. One could not come up with such an idea on his own. And if it turns out that it was paid for by taxpayers, woohoo..... (There is no excuse))


But, you can put it on your ringtone))))

I can imagine "Wee-Weee-Pe..." coming out of the phone like that.)


I'm pretty sure you don't remember, but Leo Tolstoy, in (I don't remember) the second volume of War and Peace, had a gorgeous line from Pierre Bezukhov: "Me? Can I be deprived of my freedom?"

I think you can see for yourself that this is - by definition - impossible.

Let's rock the galley! Make the slaves sick...