[Archive! - page 657


Think about what you were trying to do and why, but without emotion.



Exit polls put a fat stop to it:http://fom.ru/

And we tried... Well, at least we tried.

Do you believe in objectivity of these exit-polls?

We had one independent one in Belarus... but Lukashenko did not get anything close to 80% or even 50% - they were kicked out of the country a few days before the end of the elections.

Putin cries live on Manezhnaya and shouts - "They won't get through!"
My mother-in-law was right when she convinced me that GDP is a straightforward and honest guy. He genuinely thinks he is the saviour of Russia.
Unfortunately, there is no cure for that.

He sincerely believes he is the saviour of Russia.

Unfortunately, there is no cure.

That's what any politician thinks before the election, but after the election he thinks in a completely different direction.

Or do you naively believe that if they had elected a Zyuzik or a Zhirik and the like, life would have been better and more fun?

Putin cries live on Manezhnaya and shouts - "They won't get through!"
My mother-in-law was right when she convinced me that GDP is a straightforward and honest guy. He genuinely thinks he is the saviour of Russia.
Unfortunately, there is no cure for that.
It's a disgusting spectacle. When will our country stop breeding slaves, eh, tell me?
It's a disgusting sight. When will our country stop breeding slaves, eh, tell me?
And who did you vote for?
It's a disgusting spectacle. When will our country stop producing slaves, eh, tell me?
Start with yourself, i.e. castrate yourself.


It's a disgusting sight. When will our country stop breeding slaves, eh, tell me?
And who did you vote for?
Obviously, for another slave owner.
I'm also afraid of fools, especially "smart ones".

After all, any politician thinks so before the elections, and after the elections he thinks in a completely different direction.

Or do you naively believe that if they had elected someone like Zyuzik or Zhirik and the like, life would have been better and more fun?

I am not talking about that, although I think that the GDP has long been processed material and is only wasting years of our lives.
I mean that he sincerely believes in his exclusivity and irreplaceability. This is bad for a politician and shows the beginning of a personality disintegration.
That's not what I mean, although I think the GDP has long been spent and is only wasting years of our lives.
I mean that he genuinely believes in his exclusivity and irreplaceability. This is bad for a politician and indicates the beginning of a personality disintegration.

Well, name any other politician who doesn't believe he is exceptional and irreplaceable?