[Archive! - page 655


How disgusting and repulsive Zhirinovsky is.

How stupid do you have to be not to see that for yourself.

Either this image is to scare away voters (so that the 2nd round takes place), or Zhirinovsky is really "off his rocker".

Personally, I think the second is more likely.


Either this image is to scare away voters (so that the 2nd round can take place), or Zhirinovsky is really "off his rocker".

Personally, I think the second is more likely.

And who is his "roof"?
Victor, you are not familiar with the expression reply

Apparently not familiar, I do not like to edit other people's posts. Although sometimes I have to.

It's just that we always like to look for black in white and white in black. Maybe it's more prosaic than that. And don't look for grey in grey.


Apparently not familiar, I don't like to edit other people's posts. Although sometimes I have to.

It's just that we always like to look for black in white and white in black. Maybe it's more prosaic than that. And don't look for grey in grey.

So what's the prose of Zhirinovsky?
So what is Zhirinovsky's prose?

And why do you want me to think for him. I just don't like him very much (to put it very mildly)

And why do you want me to think for him. I just don't like him very much (to put it very mildly).

I assumed you were thinking for yourself.

I did not understand your question about the "roof" and the "look for black in white and white in black" innuendo. I wanted to know in which white I look for black and in which black I look for white.


I assumed you were thinking for yourself.

I did not understand your question about the "roof" and the "look for black in white and white in black" innuendo. I wanted to know in which white I was looking for black and in which black for white.

I can explain about the "roof", it's a term from the 90s, if you need it. And you don't have to try anything on for yourself. You used the term "roof" in one sense, I developed it a little further. But it's not the subject of any argument or relationship


another election ploy http://spb.yabloko.ru/node/1059