[Archive! - page 543

It's just that I will be considered an adult when I graduate from university or get married. In the meantime, I'm a child) But I don't think so myself.
Brandy also has good taste.
Svinozavr: I love vodka. For the taste.

I like tequila even more. It tastes very mild. And you can drink it in different ways. I can't find a great picture. I'll post it when I find it.


I, on the other hand, like tequila even better. The taste is very mild. And you can drink it in different ways. I can't find a great picture of it. I'll post it when I find it.

Tequila is one of the most unhealthy alcoholic beverages, lots of liquor oils.
The classic for me is whisky and cola. Lately, though, I've been replacing it with apple juice. Very mild and a hangover is much milder than when you mix whisky and coke
I rarely drink cocktails. Usually beer, vodka, cognac. Right now I'm tasting scotch Whyte&Mackay. A friend at work gave it to me as a New Year present. It's going well and it's already on the 5th.)
Dezil: Tequila is one of the most harmful spirits, there's a lot of liquor oil.

The harm from syrup is still comparable to the harm from the alcohol itself. But it still tastes good!

I haven't noticed any aftereffects in the morning (but I haven't mixed it with anything else).


I didn't notice any aftereffects in the morning (although I didn't mix it with anything).

So that's... The purer the alcohol, the stronger the effects.

Tequila is good... But absinthe is better :) the Czech recipe.

The classic for me is whisky and cola. Lately, though, I've been replacing it with apple juice. It's very mild and a hangover is many times milder than whisky and Coke.
I've always wondered why people drink whisky and Coke. They grow malt, cherish it, pray to the weather, harvest it, make noble beverage in accordance to all rules of distillation, mature it for 18 years in strictly defined conditions, temperature and humidity, blend it, suffer... to have some clown put Coke in it!

That's good.)

Europeans, by the way, drink this stuff, I don't know what it's called. It is a mix of cola and Fanta. I would put it this way: a man is growing, gaining knowledge, loving, improving himself physically and spiritually, etc., etc... and there's a bang, a cocktail of cola and Fanta... In Russia, kettles are well cleaned of limescale with this mixture.