[Archive! - page 520

Yes, that must be why there are so many philosophers in the East, you can change your faith in life once you've read it))

you've gone all wikipedia on me? :)

yeah, a little bit like that...

It all started with the fleeting faux pas seen on TV of mourners and wailers. There's no such thing as the front rows roaring and waving their arms in a monotonous motion, while the "backs" just stand there like cattle in a stall. More than once having read about the degree of totalitarianism of that society, knowing that the shooting was done by state channels exclusively, and that hundreds of thousands of people had no cameras...
Anyway, I was getting suspicious and decided to do some digging. I did some digging and wanted to share.

where are the first and middle names?

위대한 원수님 Grand Marshal
당중앙 Party centre
친애하는 지도자 Beloved Leader
존경하는 지도자 Dear Leader
조국통일의 구성 Pledge to unite the homeland
민족의 운명 The destiny of the nation
백두광명성 The bright star of Pactusan
인민의 어버이민족응 Father of the people
민족 태양 Sun of the nation
위대한 장군님 Great Commander
위대한 령도자 Great Leader

and I don't know where the first name and the middle name are... Kim seems to be the last name, Chen is the first name, Ir is the middle name.


Yeah, a bit like that...

It all started with the fleeting faux pas seen on TV by the mourners and mourners. You can't have the front rows roaring and waving their arms in a monotonous motion, while the "backs" just stand dumbly, like cattle herded into a stall. More than once having read about the degree of totalitarianism of that society, knowing that the shooting was done by state channels only , and that hundreds of thousands of people had no cameras...
Anyway, I was getting suspicious and decided to do some digging. I did some digging and wanted to share.

They have the same mess there as they did in Cuba. Mobile phones were allowed a couple of years ago (in Cuba), real estate ownership was not allowed)))
I know someone called Yen Bon Ten, guess the first name and the last name ))))

It all started with the fleeting faux pas seen on TV by the mourners and mourners. It does not happen that the front rows are roaring and waving their arms and making monotonous movements, while the "backs" just stand dumbly, like cattle herded into a stall. More than once having read about the degree of totalitarianism of this society, knowing that the filming was done exclusively by state channels and that hundreds of thousands of people did not have a single camera...

I think it's time to dump a few hundred thousand tons of democracy on them, they live under totalitarianism and do not know about dollar and euro exchange rates, they are not hungry for gum and glass beads, and they are not afraid of financial crises. That's my joke, even if it's not a joke.... And some, I think, even have topographic maps at the right scale for targeted delivery of democracy long ago.
I know someone called Yen Bon Ten, guess which is the first name and which is the last name ))))

Yen is first name

Ten is the last name.

I think it is time to drop a few hundred thousand tons of democracy on them, they live in totalitarianism and do not know about exchange rates of dollar and euro, they do not crave gum and glass beads, and financial crises are not terrible for them. That's my joke, even if it's not a joke.... And some, I think, even have topographic maps at the right scale for targeted delivery of democracy long ago.

No, they've got a nuclear bomb.

Yen - first name

Ten - surname

That's right. What's Bon? His dad's name is Mikhail Alesandrovich ))))

I don't know, a prefix of some sort maybe, or a Bon dynasty.

The song was "shake your bon-bon" - like move your body)).