[Archive! - page 257

It is with deep regret that I have to state the fact that there is no wolf. None at all. Not even in the storeroom. Turns out all the shuttles ******** were bought up by the Yer party, after a speech on the benefits of badminton by that ...what's-his-name...I forget, I'll finish it later. But it's not a hindrance. Piglet and I will go out to Red Square with our racquets and play with an imaginary shuttlecock. Something tells me we won't be disturbed
You can't drag Piglet to Red Square, but you can't even get him off the couch. Such an active population we have.
But tomorrow I'll get off the couch, go to the administration and boldly asked "What the f! #@@ build across my street in the protected area of a nature reserve shopping centre under the guise of a private home without any permits?
And they'll shudder and say that they'll sort it out, punish those responsible, and put everything back in order. That is, they will fine the owner for two of my pensions and legalise the building, just like they did on the next street.

That is the way to fight resolutely and uncompromisingly for freedom, democracy and the rule of law in our country and not to waste bukoff on forums!
Not only will you be unable to drag your Piglet to Red Square, but you won't even be able to get him off the sofa. Such an active population we have.
But tomorrow I'll get off the couch, go to the administration and boldly asked "What the f! #@@ build across my street in the protected area of a nature reserve shopping centre under the guise of a private home without any permits?
And they'll shudder and say that they'll sort it out, punish those responsible, and put everything in order. That is, they will fine the owner for two of my pensions and legalise the building, just like they did on the next street.

That is the way to fight resolutely and uncompromisingly for freedom, democracy and the rule of law in our country and not to waste bukoff on forums!

You have powder in your powders and berries in your buttocks, but you have no imagination, so complaining to the administration is a bit of a mouthful. Typically, playing with an imaginary shuttlecock on the Red Square will be more useful for our cause than going to the administration with a pen. After all, others will be joining us in the square. In a couple of weeks, hundreds, thousands will join .

We will not be leaving our TV screens and news channels. They will interview Pozner, King ... Someone has to explain to the world why thousands of people on the Red Square are waving their racquets without shuttlecocks when the country is in the doldrums.

Next, we must open branches around the country and register the party "Ward No. 6" . And then in a new capacity, we'll come to you with gryun, go to the administration, open the door with his foot and ask - What the f! #@@ build across my street in the protected area of a nature reserve shopping centre under the guise of a personal home without any permits?

They'll freak out, shit themselves and start playing badminton with us without a shuttlecock.

That's a beautiful way of putting it.
Only I have already reached the administration and will go tomorrow. And you and Pyotr have already finished your hike with this post :))

"Well, that's it, my criminal activity seems to be coming to an end. Some vigilant person uncovered the true nature of my so-called creativity, shared his discovery with the competent authorities, and they, of course, immediately saw: this was neither delirium nor autumnal aggravation, it was very serious. I immediately realised that this time I would not be able to get away with it... That was it, I went to burn the codes and destroy the evidence. Maybe my 'contact details' have already been established as a result of complex operational activities, and the arrest team is rushing, rushing with sirens.

As Akunin himself said in his blog, investigators are looking for extremism in the book "All the World is Theatre" from the Erast Fandorin series of adventures.


That's a beautiful way of putting it.
Only I have already got through to the administration and will go tomorrow. And you and Pyotr have already finished your hike with this post :))

You take your racket with you tomorrow. Just hold it in your hand . That should at least speed up the case.

You take a racket with you tomorrow. Just hold it in your hands. That should at least speed up the case.

The racket is the symbol of a new era!

"Well, that's it, my criminal activity seems to be coming to an end. Some vigilant person uncovered the true nature of my so-called creativity, shared his discovery with the competent authorities, and they, of course, immediately saw: this was neither delirium nor autumnal aggravation, it was very serious. I immediately realised that this time I would not be able to avoid detection... That was it, I went to burn the codes and destroy the evidence. Maybe my 'contact details' have already been established as a result of complex operational activities, and the arrest team is rushing, rushing with sirens.

As Akunin himself said in his blog, investigators are looking for extremism in the book "All the World is Theatre" from the Erast Fandorin series of adventures.




You take a racket with you tomorrow. Just hold it in your hand. That should speed things up at least.



I see Victor walking into the administration with a racket in his hand... There's the usual gray faces. And here's badminton. How lively everyone will be!!!


One day Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin was walking down the long Kremlin corridors when Russian President Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev ran into him.
- Oh, brother! - Vladimir Vladimirovich rejoiced, - What are you up to now?
- I am setting up a big government," said the President.
- Is it really big? - Vladimir Vladimirovich™ was surprised.
- Very big," he said. "I have enormous potential.
- Potential? - Vladimir Vladimirovich™ was surprised again.
- There are many social networks in the world," said Dmitry Anatolyevich. Can you imagine what will happen when I have accounts in every network?
- No," said Vladimir Putin honestly.
- No," said Vladimir Vladimirovich™ honestly. "That's right! - And no one can imagine! But I do!

- You are not busy, Bratello," said Vladimir Vladimirovich™ concerned, "Well, the government will be big, of course. As big as you want. But there is one thing...
Vladimir Vladimirovich™ took the president under his elbow and led him slightly away from the middle of the empty Kremlin corridor.
- Have you heard that our spies were captured in Germany? - Vladimir Vladimirovich asked quietly.
Dmitry Anatolyevich nodded silently.
- They solved the main secret of the Bundeswehr, - said Vladimir Vladimirovich ™ - Why do the Germans have such machines? Why are they doing so well at all? Haven't you ever wondered?
- They have upgraded, - said the President confidently, - Besides, they do not drink... and they work...
- No, bretello," Vladimir shook his head slowly, "They both drink and do not like to work. And they have never had any modernisation either.
- Then why? - Dmitry Anatolyevich didn't understand.
Vladimir Vladimirovich™ wagged his finger at Dmitry Anatolyevich.
The president leaned forward.
- Badminton," Vladimir Vladimirovich™ whispered faintly, "They're playing badminton.
The president looked at Vladimir Vladimirovich™ with wide eyes.
Vladimir Vladimirovich™ nodded and took a white shuttlecock out of his pocket.
- This thing flies from side to side," whispered Vladimir Vladimirovich™, "And it creates prosperity! And now we know the secret.
- So..." muttered Dmitry Anatolyevich, "If we play badminton, will we live like in Germany?
Vladimir Vladimirovich™ nodded again.
- I have to make an immediate statement..." the President continued mumbling, "Let the whole country... urgently.... Sorry, brotello...
And Dmitry Anatolyevich walked quickly down the corridor.
Vladimir Vladimirovich™ looked after him.
A slight smile touched the corners of Vladimir Vladimirovich's™ lips.
Dmitry Anatolievich disappeared around the corner.

Discovered on the forum of his bursa