[Archive! - page 438

Mishek, Alexander, let's go and play poker.
Thanks, Sveta, but I'm not much of a gambler, so I don't feel like it.)
What about the election? )
What about the election? )

Also a gamble.



Governors give up State Duma mandates en masse

14 December 2011.


Yes? Didn't notice the resemblance )
Yes? Didn't notice the resemblance )
Well, who's left to make a fool of himself? :)

The great Zu, has not lost the flexibility acquired over the years. As soon as the voters "started spitting in his portrait", he understood.

He is again calling for a protest rally against unfair elections . h ttp://kprf.ru/otvet/100386.html

Now the fat man is on his ass alone. Zu has shortness of breath. The voters have a wedgie in their heads.

And Sveta will tell us how all the traffic police officers were bought long ago with blood money from the west, to discredit the government by taking money from the population on the roads.


George Soros: three radical measures will save us from the Great Depression

September 30, 2011.

"Financial markets are pushing the world into another Great Depression. The authorities, especially in Europe, have completely lost control of the situation," - wrote in The Financial Times George Soros.
According to the renowned financier, it is possible to save the world economy from the onset of the dark times, but it will have to take radical measures. He suggested the following:
- Create a single EU ministry of finance;
- give the European Central Bank supervisory functions over all national banks;
- Allow economically weak countries like Italy and Spain to refinance their debts at extremely low rates.

Soros admits that the measures he proposes are almost certain to draw a harsh rebuke from European governments and banks themselves. Nevertheless, he argues, it is the only chance to overcome the acute phase of the crisis and get on the road to economic growth.



And Sveta will tell us how blood money from the west has long been used to buy all traffic police officers to discredit the government by taking bribes from the public on the roads.

Have you ever tried not to pay bribes?

In my 15 years of driving experience I have only had one fine, and that was due to inexperience, in the first year of driving.

At the same time no one extorted a bribe, nor did I offer one.

Maybe, you should not rush around and observe the traffic rules?

In my opinion, the only people who shout the loudest about bloody traffic cops are those who offer bribes. Otherwise, how else do you explain the fact that they get pulled over all the time and give money?

About "blood money from the West" -- Mishek, just because something doesn't stick in your head doesn't mean it doesn't exist. The State Department has been paying openly for a long time now and is not embarrassed about it.

And, Mishek, personally for you, for dessert: Medvedev gave up his mandate as State Duma deputy.
