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My dear, it's up to each individual to decide for himself.

And that's understandable. So what have you decided for yourself? Suddenly you have an interesting solution and everyone likes it. They will apply it straight away, and you will live in a bright future.) And the Belarusians could have avoided all that the Russians have already gone through.

If bullshit, which part?

In this one: the same "systemic opposition" is financed in exactly the same way from abroad.
Either at home or married. Any representative of system opposition, who takes even a penny from western political sponsors, is ostracized by party comrades, deprived of a warm place and kicked out of the system. One can only take from one's own people, it is a basic principle of training.
And that's understandable. And what have you decided for yourself? Suddenly, your solution is interesting and everybody likes it. They'll apply it immediately and you'll be living in a bright future tomorrow.)

Read my posts and there will be a revelation.


So read and seen nowhere, what would I be pestering oto? )
In this one: the same "systemic opposition" is financed in exactly the same way from abroad.
Either at home or married. Any representative of the political opposition, who takes even a penny from western political sponsors, is ostracized by his party comrades, deprived of a warm seat and kicked out of the system. One can only take from one's own people, it is a basic principle of training.

Well, I'm not going to argue. Though it is quite controversial, pardon the tautology.

So read and did not see anywhere that I pester oto? )

Wash the windows, repair the bench, paint the fence, help a retired neighbour.

Gather the neighbours together, discuss the improvement of the neighbourhood.

And in general, start with yourself.

Do you think that such simple manipulations will prevent the rigging of votes, embezzlement of the state treasury, corruption, etc. And a local official, seeing a painted fence, will sit down on a bench with his neighbour, shed a tear and give up his power?

How the rating was calculated


The list for monitoring income information did not include territorial divisions of federal authorities, municipal authorities; a number of federal services (FSB, SVR, FSO and other "siloviki") and regional legislative assemblies which have not published declarations of their employees.



Which officials have been punished for false income tax declarations?
Pavel Sedakov | 11 April 2011 16:14


"I want to know for sure that the business of successful wives with huge incomes does not overlap with the service of their spouses"
Pavel Sedakov | 11 April 2011 18:37


And let's praise Shuvalov - he's one of the few who listed property not in Russia.



I.e. property not in Russia does not count at all, and neither do offshore accounts.

The country's biggest airport is run by a company registered in Cyprus

Unfortunately, this situation is quite typical for the current Russian economy, when founders of Russian companies are hidden in offshore zones", says Nikita Krichevskiy, doctor of economic sciences. - The foreign owners of which can stand up at any moment and say: this property is ours and we will not do anything with it according to international law.

- Yes, but you can't take an airport abroad in your pocket!

- People do not register companies offshore for fear that the business might be taken away. The assets are still in Russia, and if desired, they can always be taken away. The point is that the beneficiaries (owners) of these offshore companies are likely to be Russian officials hiding behind them. There is no direct evidence of it, but come to think of it: up to 90% of large Russian companies are registered offshore, everybody knows this, but no one makes any special demands to business.

Accounts Chamber and General Prosecutor's Office could not find owners of Domodedovo

Do you think that such simple manipulations will prevent the rigging of votes, embezzlement of the state treasury, corruption, etc. And a local official, seeing a painted fence, will sit down on a bench with a neighbour, shed a tear and give up his power?

I have no idea. But in general -- to the mirror.

It usually reflects the cause of the above.


I have no idea. But in general -- to the mirror.

It usually reflects the cause of the above.

So you're saying that everything you've been scaring the Belarusians about the other day is your fault, too?